Spelling: shàn, shā n;
Interpretation: [shàn], shake the appliance to cool the air; Fingerboard or sheet screen; Quantifier, used for doors and windows, etc.
【 shān 】, shake the fan or other things to make the air flow into the wind; Encourage others to do things they shouldn't do; Hit with the palm of your hand
Related words: scallop? Fan wind? Fan? Pufan? Fan bone;
Related riddle: "Fan" is the riddle of the answer, family comment (type a word).
Slap sb. in the face; ?
Sentence: The species identification of scallops is usually based on morphological standards.
Put scallops in a dish, drizzle with morel cream juice, white truffle oil and decorative materials, and serve.
The night market, scallops and oysters are available in unlimited quantities, and the afternoon market is limited.
Therefore, a new method for identifying the ear direction of scallop by machine vision is proposed.
Now, you will be proved in seafood scallops with red caviar and passion fruit, or Ste Rogonov sauce meat made of wild boar and fox berries.