Wang Chao, a small official of Jingzhao Mansion, walked past Shengyefang North Street in Chang 'an one day. At that time, it was the beginning of the spring rain. There is a woman with three ugly heads, seventeen or eighteen, and she is in rags. Dressed in clogs, she watched the soldiers cuju under the locust tree on the roadside. When a ball was kicked out of the court, the girl took it and sent it, kicking it several feet high at once, attracting many people to watch.
In this document, three women can catch a ball missed by a teenager in the army. They wear clogs and kick the ball several feet high, which shows that her level is extraordinary. At the same time, we can see that Cuju activities were very popular at that time, from the court to the people.
Wang Jian, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem "Gong Ci", which recorded that women in the Tang Dynasty liked playing football very much on the Cold Food Festival. The scene of the Tang people playing cuju is very popular. Zhong Wuyan, a famous scholar in the Tang Dynasty, wrote an ode to a balloon. In the ode to a balloon, he said that the square was full of beautiful spring scenery and cold food, and the competition was fierce. Or take some medicine a little, and it will be a full moon at first sight.
It can be seen from this passage that at the turn of winter and spring, Vientiane is updated, which is a good time for the Tang people to play football. The scene of kicking cuju described in the article is also spectacular. Obviously, the confrontation between the two sides is fierce. It seems that the Tang people mastered the control skills of low ball and high ball very well.
In fact, not only in the palace, but also among the people. A large number of poems in the Tang Dynasty reflected the development of Cuju at that time. Wang Wei, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty, said in his poem "Cold Food East":
A clear stream runs through the peach and plum trees, and the water waves ripple green and moist. There are only a few families by the stream, and most of the fallen flowers float eastward. Cuju repeatedly crossed the bird, and the swing competed for weeping willows. Young people go to play separately for a few days every day, and there is no need to wait until Qingming and Shangsi.
There is also Liu Yuxi, a great poet in the Tang Dynasty. He wrote in "Twenty Poems of Happy Spring": "The festival courtyard receives the official team, and the stadium is crowded with cars."
This poem describes the grand occasion of the dignitaries watching Cuju on the Cuju court, where many spectators' vehicles are gathered. It can be seen that people were enthusiastic about watching Cuju at that time, with a large audience and spectacular scenes.
Of course, there are Cuju fans when there is a Cuju competition. In fact, several emperors in the Tang Dynasty, such as Tang Wenzong and Xuanzong, liked cuju best. They often climb a tall building and overlook people's cuju and wrestling, which shows that they like cuju very much.