Keep walking for the rest of your life
Savour a cup of strong coffee
I keep smiling while reading your text messages
I think of your face Overflowing smile
Tell me your secret
Listen beautifully to what you say
Secretly evil together
One cigarette and two people Smoke
I kept giggling when I saw your call
Thinking of your burgundy short hair
Tell me your sorrow
Listen quietly You confide
Secretly sad together
We scold each other as soon as we meet
I know you love me
Eat with you and accompany you When I went shopping and chatted with you
I realized that you had suffered a lot
I looked at your moist eyes and wiped your tears
And said I would always Walk with you
I will miss each other as soon as we are separated
You know I love you
Work together, have fun together, and get off work together
I just remembered that I used to be very sad and desperate
You looked at my sad eyes and hugged me
And said you would stay with me forever
Both of us Sometimes it’s quiet, sometimes it’s crazy, sometimes it’s sad
Think about the bad things we did together
Told each other’s secrets frankly
These are the truest portrayals of the two of us< /p>