Five categories: Bai's generalization and reflection of the most common dialectical relationship of things, and the logical form of dialectical thinking reveal the universal connection and development of the material world from different aspects.
Content and form: content determines form, form serves content, content must be expressed through form, form has a reaction to content, and content and form are unified and inseparable.
Phenomenon and essence: essence and phenomenon are categories that reveal the internal relations and external relations of objective things, which are both opposite and unified.
Cause and effect: the opposition is manifested in that within a specific boundary and scope, cause and effect have a definite boundary and order, cause is cause and effect is effect, which can neither be confused nor reversed.
Possibility and reality: the opposition is that possibility is a potential thing that has not yet become reality, while reality is something that already exists.
Contingency and inevitability: a pair of categories that reveal the different trends of things' occurrence, development and extinction.
Extended data
Marxist philosophy is a means of socio-economic analysis, and it is good at analyzing social groups with conflicts of interest from the viewpoint of contradictions and conflicts. It is a "classic" sociological theory.
Marx took a materialistic view of history and believed that the driving force of social change was the conflict between classes. People think that history has its objective laws and social changes are dialectical. Marxist philosophy helps to understand the systematic economic and social changes through the analysis of class conflicts.