The upper limit of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is that Russia uses tactical nuclear weapons to deter the whole NATO.

The upper limit of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is that Russia will use tactical nuclear weapons to deter the whole NATO, and the United States will also lose its ability to control the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

The lower limit of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is a low-intensity continuous tug-of-war, and the United States will live and die with Russia.

Why won't the United States let Russia go?

First, the dollarization of Russia challenges the monetary hegemony of the dollar, and the United States will not stop its aid to Ukraine even if it spends hundreds of billions of dollars;

Second, the deepening of Russian-European relations is not conducive to American world hegemony. The EU has an economy and Russia has energy. If Russia-Europe relations become closer, it is obviously not conducive to the ability of the United States to intervene in European affairs.

Third, if Russia defeats Ukraine, it will definitely enhance Russia's international influence, and the United States will obviously not sit still.