Where can I find the works of talented poets?

I'm an English graduate student at Trinity University, and the best comprehensive anthology I've ever seen is luis ahn Temeyer's. His last book on modern American and English poetry is very complete, starting from our earliest poets and running through contemporary poets in the 1990s. There is a good paperback book on Amazon.

His paperback collection of poems is a treasure trove of great poems, which can still be bought on Amazon. This is the place where I started writing when I was a teenager, and it is well worth reading. His comments on the poet's life are well written. He is also a good friend of Robert Frost, and edited some Frost books.

Harper's anthology of native American poems includes Joey Harcho, Paula Gunn Allen and many other native American poems.

As for modern poets, the great Irish poets seamus heaney and Derek Walcott both won the Nobel Prize. T. S. Eliot and Robert Frost is no longer alive, but they all changed the poetry of the 1920s permanently in different ways and must be read.

Black poets Maya Angelou and rita dove, as well as others, searched in Selected Works of Black Poets; Linda Pastan, Dennis Leftov, mary oliver, david white, robert bly, philip larkin, ted hughes-it depends on what you like.

Don't stop at writing poems in your mother tongue.

For European poetry, Lena Maria Rilke, Federico Garcí a lorca, Arthur Rambo and juan ramon Jimé nez all have translators. The French poet Yves Bonfoy is still alive and published in English.

Pablo neruda, a Chilean poet in South America, is regarded as the greatest poet in South America. His early poems were political, but his basic hymns and the truly beautiful 100 love sonnets written for his third wife were wonderful. His talent for creating images is unparalleled.

Don't ignore Shakespeare's sonnets for language reasons-many sonnets are very beautiful.

I name some great poets whose poems are so great that they have opened the world. These poets transcend our backyard and navel.

Everyone has different preferences, and you will find someone else.

If you estimate by IQ, Coleridge may be a good start. In Gross's book about gifted students, Jessica Bloom introduced her. She has published some poems for reading. There are some talented poets here. You can find their works here through Google search.