Biography of Wang Meng in the Book of Jin: "Huan Wen entered the customs and was suddenly left out in the cold. When it comes to contemporary affairs, he is like no one else. The messenger, on the other hand, asked,' I have been instructed by the son of heaven to lead a sharp division of 100,000 troops to fight evil with a staff and eliminate thieves for the people, but who is there before the Third Qin Dynasty?' Suddenly, he said,' Gong has traveled thousands of miles and gone deep into the territory of Koukou. Chang 'an is just a stone's throw away. If the people don't come, they won't see the public interest. Wen Moran has no reward. "Wang Meng catching lice, while talking about contemporary things like no one's watching. Later, he used the words "talk, talk, talk, talk" to describe his extraordinary remarks, with a leisurely and fearless attitude; It also means that talent has nowhere to display.
Speaking of lice literally means holding lice and talking face to face. Later, it is often used to describe people who speak calmly and without fear.