Myth problem

Let me tell you something.

Where do people come from?

What is a person? The question looks simple, but the answer is not clear in a few words.

According to their laboratory test results, chemists can say that human beings are composed of many different chemical components, among which water is the most, in addition to calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, lime, fat, sugar and salt.

Biologists say: Man is an animal. His ancestor may be an ape, his ancestor may be a Chrysopa, or it may be a plant on the seabed-seaweed.

Philosophers say that man is a rational animal, with thoughts and will, and is the most spiritual existence in all things.

On the other hand, people are really like monsters. People know how to create and invent. People can tame many animals and satisfy their desires and enjoyment with various substances. With more people, a beautiful city and towering temples can be built in a desolate land at once. Although the oceans are far apart and the mountains and rivers are dangerous, people will invent and use land, sea and air means of transportation to shrink the vast earth into a small palm bead. People and rulers living on the ground conquered the whole world. People's great deeds, people's transcendental intelligence, can not but make everyone marvel and bow down. However, how often, you will see that people's behavior is pitiful ignorance and really stupid! You will see them killing each other, framing each other, cooking beans and burning peppers, much like crickets. You will also see them indulge their evil thoughts and selfish desires, willful, despicable and shameless, just like animals. Because of all kinds of extremely contradictory thoughts and behaviors of human beings, you can't see what the monster "man" is and where it comes from. In many ways, there are many facts that prove that people are no different from other animals. No wonder some people say that people are monkeys, and monkeys come from lower animals. In other words: man is just an ant. Really? We study from the following two theories.

(A) all kinds of legends (speculation)

Where do people come from? On this issue, there have been many speculations about people since ancient times. Just like in ancient China, it is assumed that everything in the world and human beings were founded by Pangu, or insects, animals, trees or stones changed; Nu Wa fights the loess to make people, and so on. It's ridiculous and not credible enough. Other ancient countries such as Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, India, Greece, etc. There are also many absurd legends. I want to share with you the following hypotheses that are still circulating in modern times:

1. Physical or materialistic hypothesis: This hypothesis of creating permanent things replaces the fact that God is the creator with the hypothesis that the world is natural and there is something. Rationalism rose in the19th century due to the application of materialistic philosophy in creating ideals. These assumptions ignore that God is a creator, so this is obviously not allowed by Christian theology.

2. Hypothesis that everything comes from God or everything is God: Their view is that the world is not created by primitive material, but developed from the ontology of God. Everything comes from God, just as water comes from springs, just as light comes from the sun. The defect of this hypothesis lies in the weakness of the theory of everything being deity itself. Because denying the status of God, it is impossible to admit that man is free and immortal. Their statement is groundless, not only unconfirmed, but also unconfirmed assumptions.

3. Hypothesis of natural evolution: The argument of natural evolution and the hypothesis that the universe is natural are one property. The theory of natural evolution is a step-by-step deduction from ancient times to replace the study of creative problems, so it still can't answer the original questions. This assumption always encounters three unsolvable problems: first, it is impossible to build a bridge between living and inanimate; Second, we can't go beyond the life spread by plants and enter the conscious life of the animal kingdom; Third, we cannot leap from physical life to human rational, conscience and spiritual life. Only through God's action can we have the primitive life of plants, animals and human beings.

4. Continuous creation hypothesis: The continuous creation hypothesis is a challenge to the theory of one-off creation, and they advocate the process of continuous creation. Theistic evolutionists advocate this hypothesis. They believe that the development of organisms is not the force of materialist evolution, but the working force of God in organisms. This sacred behavior is sometimes consistent with the process of creating everything, and sometimes it is strictly restricted.

(2) the testimony of the bible (god's creation)

The revelation of God in the Bible is indeed the authoritative historical fact of the origin of mankind. The only authoritative textual research known about the origin of human beings is Genesis 1 the Bible in Chapter 2.

1. The first record of creating human beings: We know that the first biblical record of the origin of human beings came from God's creation and reading, "We should create human beings according to our image and style." Human creation shows that all God's creative work is at its peak. God also linked it with other creative work. The work of creating human beings is superior to all other creative work and different, making it a new life era. Creating human beings is the summary of all creative work. God first prepared all the food and enjoyment for human beings, which were arranged by God according to his will for the development of human beings.

2. Create the second record of mankind: From section 4 to section 25 of chapter 2 of Genesis, the second record of the origin of mankind is particularly careful. In order to pay special attention to the beginning of human history. From the works of double creation, it can be seen that "the Lord God created man from the dust in the soil, blew life into his nostrils, and he became a living soul." (Gen 2: 7) The first creative work is to make the human body into a chemical structure with dust. The word "made" in the original text contains the meaning caused by the original. There is absolutely no basis to speculate that human beings evolved from lower animals. In a certain period of time, the dust used to make human beings will no longer be dust, but become a human body with bones and flesh. This kind of record shows the relationship between human and nature, which is the highest in the animal kingdom in terms of human inferiority, and represents the perfection of creative work structure. Another characteristic of creating human beings is its conclusion: "Blow anger into his nostrils and he will become a living soul." This is not just an organization, but a new and unique creation. God created a living person with his spirit and made him a dignified person with good knowledge and self-determination ability. With the breath of God, let him become a person with eternal soul life.

3. The origin of women: the process of creating human beings recorded in the second chapter of Genesis, 2 1 to 22, that is, there was a gender from then on. Some biblical commentators are puzzled by this and have many conjectures and explanations. The apostle Paul once told us, "Because Adam was created first, then Eve." (2: 13 in advance). The test means that God first created men, and then created women from men. Adam himself admitted this: "This is the bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh. I can call her a woman because she was taken out of a man. " (Gen 2: 23) According to Hebrew, the word "rib" is not translated correctly. This word was used 42 times in the Old Testament, but it was not translated elsewhere, and it was generally translated as "waist" or "flank". The Bible clearly tells us that all nationalities and people, including the first generation of old mothers, are the representatives of the first generation of ancestors. The reason why there are such gender differences in human creation is not only physiological and physiological differences, but also the basis for organizing society through marriage. According to the record of Genesis (Ephesians 5: 23-32), Sao Paulo described how wonderful and meaningful the relationship between Christ and the church was.

4. The primitive condition of human beings: the theory of evolution holds that the primitive condition of human beings has gradually evolved from a rude thing to a civilized level, but this is unfounded in the Bible. What the Bible shows us is that human beings are perfect and complete when they are created, but this does not hinder the progress or development of human beings. The Bible clearly denied that primitive people were immature and irrational, and gradually developed into a religious concept with language and morality. This is the conclusion of the Bible on the primitive condition of human beings.

The record of the Bible is a challenge to the ancient people's idea of evolution. The theory of evolution holds that human beings need the opportunity to evolve, which has been going on for millions of years. The Bible only records thousands of years of history. More reliable annual reviews, such as Usher and Ha 1es, are slightly different in age due to incomplete genealogy. However, when it comes to human creation, it was about five or six thousand years before the birth of Christ. This period is enough for the development of national languages, just as the population has reached the population density of the modern world.

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