I have read several books of "The Magic School Bus". I think it would be great if I could ride on this magical school bus. I can learn and encounter a lot of interesting things and knowledge along the way. Wanda, Friss, Jenny, Arnold, Dorothy, and Ralph are all my good friends. They told me why it is day and night because the earth we live on does not emit light. The main reason for the light and heat is that the sun is shining. The hemisphere where the sunlight shines is daytime, and the place where the sunlight does not shine is night. The earth is a sphere and it keeps rotating around its axis from west to east. People call it Because of the rotation of the earth. In this way, the part of the earth that receives sunlight and heat is constantly changing. The part that receives sunlight and heat is constantly changing, so there is day and night. There are many, many things that can be learned from it, such as why Spaceships need to be launched with rockets, why mushrooms grow on big trees, and many other interesting facts. This is why I like this book "The Magic School Bus". My father said this is really a good popular science book. I hope all my friends will read it. !