Why are elk foraging in the yard? Why do dragons wander by the water? In the morning, I was riding by the river, and in the evening, I crossed to the west of the river. I heard that Mrs Xiang was calling me, so I drove with her. I want to build my house in the middle of water and cover the roof with lotus leaves. Witch hazel decorated the walls, and purple shells were laid on the court altar. The walls are covered with peppers to decorate the hall. Guimu is the pillar, Mulan is the truss, Magnolia is the lintel, and Angelica dahurica is the bedroom. Woven Ficus pumila to make curtains, and curtains made of grass have been set up. The seats in the town are made of white jade, and Shi Lan is decorated with fragrance everywhere. Cover the Lotus House with Cao Zhi and wrap it with Du Heng. Pick all kinds of flowers and plants, fill the courtyard and build a fragrant porch. All the gods of Mount Jiuyi came to greet Lady Xiang, and the stars were like clouds.
I threw my sleeves into the river, and I threw my light coat by the Lishui River. I am picking Du Ruo in Zhou Xiao and giving it to a girl in the distance. Good times are rare. I'm just browsing.