Abundant Life‖10‖How to Overcome the Old Nature

Abundant Life‖10‖How to Overcome the Old Nature

When the apostle Paul talked about his struggle under

the power of Satan and sin,< /p>

He wrote this:

"The good that I want, I do not do,"

"The evil that I do not want, I do." ”

(Romans 7:19)

Many believers have the same experience.

It seems that they have no way to stop doing bad things.

God’s children sometimes sin,

because they fall when tempted.

But even when Satan does not tempt believers to sin,

It is still not easy for them to turn away from sin

The reason is that

Children of God have two different natures

The first nature is. Our old nature,

is what we received from our parents when we were born.

In the Bible, it is used several times. Words such as "flesh" or "sinful nature."

However, in this study,

we call the nature that comes from our parents the old nature.

< p> Since our birth,

we have had our old nature,

when we believe in Jesus Christ,

we are born again and become children of God ,

And received a new nature from God

We receive our new nature

It is through God who regenerates us


Since we were born into this world,

we have had the old nature

since we believed in Jesus Christ

. Nature is a new nature

Since we are born again,

we have a new nature

When we receive Jesus Christ,

Although we gain a new nature,

we do not lose our old nature.

Therefore, believers have two natures.

The old nature is what we have when we are born.

The new nature is what we have after we are reborn.

The apostle Paul said: "Put off your life.

" The old man in his former conduct, this old man

"has gradually become bad through the deceitfulness of his own desires"

(Ephesians 4). :22)

The old disposition is corrupt,

it often drives us to do improper things and commit crimes.

Those who believe in Jesus still have

their old nature within them.

Believers (children of God) have two kinds of natures.

One kind of nature likes to sin,

The other kind of nature likes to seek trouble. God's pleasure.

These two natures are often at war,

causing pain and struggle within us.

Therefore, we not only have to fight against our enemy Satan,

we also have to fight against the enemy within us,

which is our old nature.

Because the old nature loves to sin,

if we give in to it,

we cannot please God.

However, when we are born again,

we already have another nature,

which is the nature of Jesus Christ Himself.

This temperament is called the new temperament.

The old nature often makes us sin,

but the new nature loves to do things that are right and pleasing to God,

because the new nature is the nature of Jesus Christ .

The new nature we receive is

the nature of Jesus Christ within us.

The Bible says: "He who lives now no longer

"It is I, but Christ lives in me. ”

(Galatians 2:20)

God has given us the life and nature of Jesus Christ.

His life is in us;

Being able to overcome the sinfulness and corruption of our old nature

So when we encounter great temptation or misfortune and commit sin,

We still believe that the character of Jesus Christ can prevail in our lives.

For example,

suppose you feel that you have a bad temper.

If you get angry easily, you know that you really need to learn patience. You must remember

that you have the long-suffering temperament of Jesus Christ.

Then you should call on God,

Let the character of Jesus Christ be revealed in you.

As a child of God, you know that you are to love other people.

But when you find it difficult to love someone, remember

Jesus Christ loves that person.

So, you can ask God,

to let the love of Jesus Christ be revealed in you.

The disposition that can help us live a life that pleases God is the disposition of Jesus Christ.

From the very beginning we cannot trust ourselves,

we must pray and rely only on

Jesus Christ and the power of His new nature in us .

We must trust fully in Jesus Christ and His new life in us.

Then you will be able to overcome your old nature.

If you can trust Him more deeply,

Your new disposition will become stronger

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