Gray cloth is hanging in the sky, and the rain will continue. The sky pulled the sea fiber, but it rained only three times. There is bound to be a storm when it is dark around. When it rains, it will glow even if it doesn't rain. It will be windy in Huang Chengcheng tomorrow when the sun goes down. The sun is yellow at sunrise, and the wind will be crazy in the afternoon. The stars are water, and there is hope for rain. When the stars blink, take an umbrella when you go out. The sun and the moon are windy, but there is no rain. After three rainy days, the hillside was foggy and rainy. It was sunny and foggy for a long time, and it was sunny and foggy for a long time. Thunder kept breaking into pieces, and the river flooded under heavy rain. It wasn't fierce when it first rained. Lei Gong sings first, it doesn't rain much. With the muffled thunder and the creaking sound, hail is bound to come. When it rains, it will rain ten feet.