Jixuan, Qiannan attic. This room is only ten feet square and can only accommodate one person. A century-old house, dust and mud oozing out, rain betting; Every time I move a box, there is no place to put it. The room faces north, so it gets dark at noon. I repaired it a little so that it wouldn't leak from it. There are four windows in front, surrounded by a courtyard. In the past, in the south, the sun reflected and the room began to sink. I planted orchids, osmanthus trees, bamboo and other vegetation in the yard, which added new luster to the old railings. Borrowing books, singing, sitting still, everything can be heard; And the footsteps are silent, birds peck, and people don't go. On the night of the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, the moon is high, illuminating half of the wall. The shadows of osmanthus trees are scattered, and the shadows are shaken by the breeze, which is very lovely.
However, I live here, and there are many things to be happy about and many things to be sad about.
First of all, the north and the south are one in the imperial court. At that time, uncles and uncles set up many small doors indoors and outdoors, and the walls were everywhere. After separation, dogs treat people living in the same yard as strangers, guests have to go through the kitchen to eat, and chickens roost in the hall. The yard was fenced in at first, then the wall was repaired and changed twice. There is an old woman in the house. She used to live here. Old woman, my dead grandmother's maid, nursed for two generations, and her mother was very kind to her. The west and the back of the house are connected, and my mother used to come. Every time Yu said, "Somewhere, my mother is here." Yu added, "Your sister is crying in my arms; Mother knocked on the door with her finger and said,' Are you cold? Do you want something to eat? I responded outside the board meeting. "Never put off till tomorrow what you can, I cried, I cried. One day, when I was in the reading room, my mother said to me, "Long time no see, son, why are you here without saying a word?" Instead of going, he closed the door with his hand and said to himself, "my family's study has been ineffective for a long time, but I can wait for my son to succeed!" After a while, he held an elephant in his hand and said, "This is the motto of my ancestors." . You should use it one day! "Looking at the ruins, just like yesterday, people can't control the trombone.
Dong Xuan has always tasted like a kitchen. People go there and pass by the porch. After living together for a long time, people can be distinguished by their feet. Liu Bei and Cao Cao fought for the world, and Zhuge Liang was born in central Gansu, and made great achievements. ……
After I wrote this article, five years later, my wife married my family. She often came to the porch to ask me some old things, and sometimes I learned to write at the table. When the lady returned to Ning, she said to the younger sisters, "I heard that the younger sister has a pavilion. What is a pavilion?" In the next six years, my wife died and the ridge of the ridge was not renovated. Two years later, I was ill in bed for a long time without any sustenance, and I sent someone to repair the South Pavilion. The pattern was slightly different from the past. However, after that, I was more outside than living here.
There is a loquat tree in the yard, which was planted by my wife when she died. Now it stands tall and luxuriant like an umbrella.
It turned out to be JiXiangXuan South Pavilion. The indoor area is only ten feet square, which can accommodate one person. Because it is a century-old house, dust and dirt often leak from the roof, especially when it rains, and the rain pours down directly. Every time I move the table, I look around and there is no place to put it. Plus, the door is open to the north, so the sun can't shine. The room became dark as soon as the sun passed noon. I repaired it a little to make the roof stop leaking. Four windows were opened in front of the room, and a wall was built around the yard to block the sunshine in the south. The room brightened after the sunlight reflected. Orchids, osmanthus trees, bamboo, etc. They are all planted (in front of the court), and the old railings have added new luster. Borrowed books are piled up on bookshelves, where I live leisurely, sometimes whistling or singing, and sometimes sitting quietly alone, with the sound of nature clearly audible; The front of the yard is very quiet. Birds fly down from time to time to peck, and people don't leave before it. On the fifteenth night of the first lunar month, the bright moonlight shines on the wall, and the shadows of osmanthus trees are dense in the moonlight. The breeze blows and the shadows of flowers shake, which is really lovely.
But I live here, and I have many happy and sad feelings.
Before this, the courtyard was connected with the north and the south, and it was a whole. After the separation of uncles and nephews, there are many small doors inside and outside the courtyard, and there are partition walls everywhere. The owner's dog barked at Jia Xi, and the guests had to go over the kitchen to eat, while the chicken stayed in the hall. The court was separated by fences at first, and then by walls, which changed several times. There is an old mother at home who once lived here. This old mother, a servant of my grandmother who waited on my death, has been a wet nurse in my family for two generations. Her mother was very kind to her when she was alive. The west of the porch is connected with the inner room. My mother has been to the porch. My old mother often says to me, "This place is where your mother once stood." The old mother also said, "When your sister was a child, I held her in my arms and she was crying." Hearing this, your mother knocked on the door with her finger and said,' Is the child cold? Do you want to eat? I answered your mother from the outside. "(Old mother) didn't finish, I cried (moved), and my old mother also shed tears (excited). I have been studying in the porch since I was a child. One day, my grandmother came to see me. She said, "Son, I haven't seen your shadow for a long time. Why have you been here silently all day? "Really like a girl?" When she left, she gently closed the porch door with her hand and said to herself, "My scholar has long failed. This child has hope and can wait (for him). " After a while, he brought an ivory hand board and said, "My grandfather Tai Changgong used it when he went to see the emperor during the Xuande period. You have to use it later! " Recalling these things in the past, as if it happened yesterday, really makes people want to cry.
The east side of the porch used to be the kitchen. People must pass through the porch when they go to the kitchen. I live in it with the windows closed. After a long time, I can tell who it is according to people's footsteps. A Ling Xuan suffered four fires, but it was not burned down, probably because of the protection of the gods. ……
I have written the above article, and five years later, my wife came to my house. She often comes to the porch to ask me about the past, and sometimes leans against the desk to learn to write. The wife went back to her parents' house to visit relatives, and relayed the words of the younger sisters: "I heard that there is a pavilion in my sister's house. What is that pavilion?" After that, six years later, my wife passed away, and the Ji Xiang Pavilion gradually fell into disrepair and was not repaired. Two years later, when I was sick in bed and bored, I sent someone to repair the South Pavilion, which was slightly different from before. However, since then, I have been locked out for a long time, and I don't often go home to live in the porch.
There is a loquat tree in the yard, which was planted by myself the year my wife died. Today, it is as dry as a huge umbrella.