More ways are cultivated in the deep mountains, and the loyal emperor declares that the phoenix will fly away and the sky will rise higher than the nine heavens."

This is indeed the sign of Sensoji Temple. Just like the answer below. Sensoji Temple voluntarily pays, and then there is a signature box. Shake it gently, and a signature will come out, corresponding to the number, and you can find your signature. The lottery I drew at that time was also the same, "good luck", and the corresponding lottery was "good luck". It seems that there is no bad lottery.

There are two aspects to the explanation: one is the two sentences in the first half. It means to be able to endure loneliness, accumulate experience, wait for opportunities, and not be influenced by the outside world, and you will eventually achieve something. But this is also an objective truth. The second part is the second half, Luan Feng. The male is Luan and the female is Feng. There is also a saying of Phoenix, which also refers to male and female. The phoenix and the luan then fly away and rise above the nine heavens, which means they will cling to each other, with the luan as the main one, reaching an unprecedented height. Luan can be understood as a noble person or the other half.

In fact, you should not be too serious when asking for a fortune. Everything requires unremitting efforts, plus a little chance and luck. If you are low-key and calm, success will naturally come unexpectedly.