Your flute
It must be so beautiful that a hundred eyes will close
What kind of power should that be!
You are not a Titan or a Prometheus
And you have no intention of opposing the great father, Zeus
Just A little messenger in the world of gods
Wearing a traveling hat and golden straw sandals
Leaving the most beautiful melody wherever you go
No For publicity
Not for being famous in history
Just to enjoy the beauty of your own creation
To enjoy the sweetness of music
Only when the master starts to go crazy
People just see
You - the power of a little person
Use your flute - a beautiful reed
Putting the hundred-eyed god Argos to sleep
Rescuing the trapped Io, the lover of Zeus
The sky is clear again
Zeus' dark clouds - also It’s just a bunch of deception
Because I felt ashamed in the sound of the flute
and faded away unwillingly
Drunk for beauty
For beauty And waking up
Between being drunk and awake is a game played by the gods
And Io’s cry
still rings in the beautiful flute of Hermes
——Who cares!
It doesn’t seem to be from ancient Greece. . .
Do you want to write a novel?