Christmas Song Lyrics

I will always have you in my heart.

The road ahead is long and everyone should face it with a smile.

Fly in the starry sky

How quiet Christmas Eve is.

Counting snowflakes


The doorbell that has been silent

A lazy wall clock.

I see your smile every heartbeat.

I complained alone.

You showed up at the last hour.

The best Christmas present is

You smile gently.

Romantic champagne was sealed after a long separation.


I don't want you to see my tearful face.

Merry Christmas

Ding-ding, ding-ding, ding-dong, the bell is ringing, ding-dong.

People who are together and in love.

Happy every second.

Ding Ding Ding Dong Dong melts in your arms.

Every couple hugging together

This is the most beautiful scenery at night.