World famous songs

Macha de Pequeno Polegar

149. March of the Army by franz schubert [Austria] Schubert.

150. Mazuka F Chopin [Wave] Chopin

15 1. Mazuka f Chopin [wave] Chopin

152. San Mazurka Dance Music. Saint mulberry

153. Melody Jules Massenet [France] Masnai

154. melody mozkovsky [wave] mozkovsky

155.F melody in F major > A. Rubinstein [Russian] anton rubinstein

156. The mill in the black forest and the waterwheel in the forest

157. minuet in major Beethoven [Germany]

158. minuet in a major > Luigi bo Cerini [Italy] Bao Chelini.

159. Mozart [Austria] Mozart

160. Mozart [Austria] Mozart

16 1. Menuet A L Antique Ignace J PaDreff [Bo] Padev.

162. "One Minute" Waltz F. Chopin [Wave] Chopin

163.Miserere Z Kodaly [Hungary] Kodaly

172. New Orleans dusk W. Gillock [France] William Gillock

173. Nocturne [Russia] Borodin

174. Nocturne Chopin [Wave] Chopin

175. Nocturne in B flat major john field [Love] john field

176. Norwegian dance Edvard Grieg [Noah] Grieg

177. Notturno ospiki [Italy] espiki

178. Ombuz L. Dallapiccola [Italian] Dallapiccola

179. johann strauss [Austria] johann strauss (small)

180. bumblebee flight (wild bee flight)

Linsky-korsakov [Russia] Rimsky-Korsakov

18 1. palm branch J. B. Foer [France]

182. palomala < pigeon > S. yradier [archaic] Iradier

183. Ba Bilong grieg

184. Papillons R. Schumann [Germany] Schumann

185.c. Chaminade [France] Chaminade (female)

186. Little Waltz G. Kalganov [Russian] Kaganov

187. A pilgrim's song of hope, a pilgrim's song of longing Edward batiste [French] batiste.

188. Melancholy solo H. Clough-Laegel [America] Croft-Wright

189. Playing Leo Delibes [France] Delibes

190. playing soldiers [Russian] hot Bikov

191.Pleyelshmn < Pleijel's hymn > W.J. Westbrook [England] Westbrook

192. Poetry (sound poetry) A. Scribin [Russia] scalia Bin

193. poet and farmer von Su Pei [Austria] Su Pei

194. Poet Beard's Poetic Voice and Painting

195. Polish dance Xaver Scharwenka[ wave] Xaver Shawenka

196. Polka Tchaikovsky [Russia] Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky

197. Polonaise F. Chopin [wave] Chopin

198. Polonaise's Polish Dance in G minor F. Chopin [Wave] Chopin

199. Dancing Doll Ed poldini [Italian] Potigny

200. Pray for Beethoven [Germany]

20 1. Pray for C.M. von Weber [Germany].

202. E. Huperdink [Germany] Huperdink

203. Prelude D. Shostakovich [Russia] Shostakovich

204. Prelude prokofiev

205. prelude Gershwin [America] Gershwin

206. prelude F. Chopin [wave] Chopin.

207. prelude F. Chopin [wave] Chopin

208. prelude F. Chopin [wave] Chopin.

209. prelude F. Chopin [wave] Chopin.

2 10. Prelude's "Raindrop Prelude" F Chopin [Wave] Chopin

211.Prelude in C major J.S. Bach [Germany]

2 12. Rachmaninov [Russia] Rachmaninov

2 13. F. Blumenfeld [Russian]

2 14. Ploudou Mei Xian [France] Mei Xian

2 15. quarter g Verdi [Italy] Verdi

2 16. Fast marching D.B. kabalevsky [Russian] kabalevsky

2 17. Reggie Cabrisio Milhau [France] Mi Yue

2 18. In memory of Schumann [Germany] Schumann

2 19. Fantasy C. Debussy [France] Debussy

220. daydream e. Shu TT[ Russia] Hugh

22 1. george gershwin, rhapsody in blue [USA] george gershwin

222. André Wormsell [France] Wormsell

Roman sibelius.

224. Romans Ruff [Swiss] Ruff.

225. Romance Rubinstein [anton rubinstein]

226. Romans Tchaikovsky [Russia] Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky

227. Rondo Sports Bach [Germany] Effibach

228. Rondo Waltz Shostakovich [Russia] Shostakovich

229. The rustle of spring Christian singing [Noah] singing

230. Sakura Sakurs Saburo Y. Kazuo Hirai [Japan] Kazuo Hirai

23 1. Salabande Gandel [Germany] Gandel

232. Scarf Dance Cécile Chaminade [France] Chaminade (female)

233. Shanruzod rimsky. Korsakov [Russia] Rimsky-Korsakov

234. Scottish Poetry E. mcdowell [America] mcdowell.

235. Secret, Le L Gautier [France] Gautier.

Haydn [Austria] Haydn

237. Serenade Ole Olsen [Noah] Oltai 225 238. Serenade fr Schubert [Austria] Schubert.

239. Serena Moskovski

240. Donizetti [Italy] Donizetti

24 1. Shepherd Boy, Shepherd Boy G.D. Wilson [America]

242. He Lvting, a shepherd boy with a piccolo.

243. Sicilian dance P. Mascagni [Italian] Mascagni

244. silhouette; Silhouette; outline

245. Yinbo A.P. Wyman Wyman

246. Francis Tomé [France] Fay Tomé

247. The Song of Sleeping R. Schumann [Germany] Schumann.

248. Little nigger, little nigger C. Debussy [France] Debussy

249. The song of the lark Tchaikovsky [Russia] Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky.

250. Song of Indian Businessmen "Song of Indian Businessmen"

Linsky Korsakov [Rimsky-Korsakov]

25 1. The song of a robin, the song of a robin G.W. Warren [America] Joe Warren

252. Souvenir F. Drdla [Hungarian] F. Dila

253. Spanish dance M. Moskowski [wave] Moskowski

254. The spinning "Song of Textile"

255. Spinning Song F. Mendelssohn [Germany] Mendelssohn

256. spring dance E. Grieg [Noah] Grieg

257. Haruka F. Mendelssohn [Germany] Mendelssohn

258. Stephanie alfons Cibulka [Hungary]

259. Swan Lake Ballet P.I. Tchaikovsky [Russia] Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky

260. Silfis, Les G Bachmann [France] Bachmann

26 1. tambourine, Le J.P. Lamo [France] Mora

262. Tarantle Stephen Heller Heller [Hungarian].

263. F. Mendelssohn of Tarantle [Germany] Mendelssohn

264.Tempo di Ballo d. Scarratti[ Italy ]Du Scarratti

265. The thin Gustav Lange [Germany] Gu Lange

266. To a wild rose to a wild rose E.A. McDowell [America].

267. Tokatina kabalevsky [Russian] kabalevsky

268. Matador et and Alouse A. Rubinstein [Russian] anton rubinstein

269. Richard Strauss [Germany] Richard Strauss.

270. Trammere Schumann [Germany] Schumann

27 1. Romanization

Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky.

273. Turkish March W.A. Mozart [Austria] Mozart.

274. Turkish March Beethoven [Germany].

275. Turkish patrol, Turkish patrol. Michaelis. Michaelis

276. In the shade of a tree. Tome [France] Fei Tome

277. The Valley of the Bells M.I. Ravel [France] Ravel.

278. vales's "Waltz" A. Durand [France] Durand

279. Blue Waltz Alfred magis [France] Ma Jiu Si

280. Elegant Waltz dvorak [Czech Republic] dvorak

28 1. Val Serente L. Delibes [France] Delibes

282. "Poet Waltz" granados [West] granados

283. Waltz E. Grieg [Noah] Grieg

284. Waltz "Waltz" Temporary Khatchaturan[ Russia] Khachaturian

285. Waltz. Cournot [France] Cournot

286. walzer, CIS-MOLL < Waltz in C minor > F. Chopin [Wave] Chopin.

287. Singing on the Eve, Brinley Richards [Wei] Richard.

288. The priest's war March F. Mendelssohn [Germany] Mendelssohn.

289. The Waves of the Ocean Chas D Black [America]

290. Weber's last thought C.M. von Weber [Germany] Weber.

29 1. Wedding March Mendelssohn [Germany] Mendelssohn

292. why R Schumann [Germany] Schumann

293. wild knight, crazy knight R. Schumann [Germany] Schumann.

294. William Tell G Rossini [Italy] Rossini.

295. Liu is new, Zhou Wenzhong [America] Zhou Wenzhong.

296. Yellow Leaf No.4 < > N.J. Miakovsky [Russia] Myaskovski.

297.Zenelodoboz poldini e .[ Hungarian] poldini.

298. Zinganara Hungarian Dance < Hungarian Dance in Gypsy Style > C Bohm [Germany] Karl Baum.

Frederick francois chopin Poland

1. Nocturne number 1

2. Nocturne No.2

3. The Fifth Serenade

3. Nocturnal Op. 9 Francois

3. Nocturne 15 Fran? ois

3. Nocturne Op. 27 Fran? ois

3. Nocturne Op. 32 Fran? ois

3. Nocturne Op. 37 Fran? ois

3. Nocturne Op. 48 Fran? ois

3. Nocturne Op. 55 Fran? ois

3. Nocturne Op. 62 Francois

3. Nocturne Op. 72 Fran? ois

4. Nocturne in C minor is numbered outside Arau.

5. Nocturne in C minor is numbered outside Arau.

6. Folk song Holovitz

6. "Piano Ballad No.4" Polini

7. Holovitz Rondo in E flat major.

8. Nocturne Op. 9- 1 Fu Cong

8. Nocturne Op. 9-2 Rosenthal

9. Nocturne Op. 32-2 Rubinstein

10. Nocturne Op. 72- 1 (Heritage) Rubinstein

1 1. Nocturne Op.72-1(traditional) Fu Cong.

12. "Fantasy Impromptu in C minor" Rubinstein

13. "Happy" Arau

13. Joey Rosenthal

14. maurizio pollini's revolutionary etude no 12.

15. Li Xite revolutionary etudeNo. 12.

15. revolutionary etudeNo. 12

16.E major etude (parting) op. 10 Richter No.3

17. etude (farewell) in e major 10 No.3 maurizio pollini

17. etude (farewell) in e major 10 No.3 Backhaus

17. Etudes in E major (Parting), Op. 10, No.3 Pelesia

18. etude number 1 work number 10 number 1 Li Xite.

18. Etude No.65438 +0 Op.65438 +00 No.65438 +0 Zifulao

19. Nocturne No.20 in C sharp minor, Op. "Mourning for Pires"

20. The second etude 10 Second movement

2 1 .8 Nocturne Pierce

22. "Piano No.2" Rubinstein

23. "Piano No.2" Kisin

24. The third movement of Shura Cherkassky's second piano sonata.

24. Rachmaninov, Piano Sonata No.2, Third Movement.

24. Rubinstein's Piano Sonata No.2

25. First Movement of Piano Sonata No.3, Shura Cherkassky.

26. The second to fourth movements of Shura Cherkassky's third piano sonata.

27. Di Yun's Third Piano Sonata

28. The Third Piano Sonata by glenn gould

29. Fantasia in F minor Shura Cherkassky

30. Fantasia in F minor by stanislav nego

3 1. Gorgeous waltz

32. Mazuka DanceNo.1

33. Mazuka Dance Scene 3

34. Polish Dance No.6, Heroic Op. 53.

34. "Polish Dance No.6" Hero Works No.53 Rubinstein

35. Waltz No.9 (Parting) Lipatti

36. Waltz No.9 (Farewell)

37. "WaltzNo. 1" Alau

38. The Second Waltz, Alau

39. "The Third Waltz" Alau

40. Polish dance in G minor

4 1. Army Polish Dance, Op.40, No.65438 +0 maurizio pollini.

42. Polish Army Dance, Op.40, No.65438 +0 Magalov

42. Army Polish Dance, Op.40, No.65438 +0 Solomon.

43. Polish Dance in B-flat Major (No.2)

44. "No.65438 +0 La Ricardo Roberto Barreto da Rocha" in B major

45. Fu Cong's Variations on Paganini's Memories

46. "Song of the Ship" La Ricardo Roberto Barreto da Rocha

47. "Song of the Ship" Abbey Simon

48. Polish dance in B flat minor (except numbering)

49. "Lullaby" La Ricardo Roberto Barreto da Rocha

50. "The first piano ballad" Rubinstein

5 1. Holovitz's first piano ballad

52. "The first piano ballad" Kisin

53. "The first piano ballad" Polini

54. The first piano ballad "Sofronitski"

54. "The First Piano Ballad" Backhaus

123. Michelangelo's first piano ballad.

123. Giles' first piano ballad.

123. Askin Naz's first piano ballad

55. Polish dance in G flat major (except numbering)

56. "Piano Ballad No.2 in F Major" Rubinstein

57. "Piano Ballad No.3 in A Flat Major" Rubinstein

57. "Piano Ballad No.3 in A Flat Major" by Friedberg.

58. "Piano Ballad No.3 in A Flat Major" Kisin

59. "Piano Scherzo No.1 in B minor" Rubinstein

60. Bogle Rick's Piano Scherzo No.1 in B minor.

6 1. Piano Scherzo No.2 in B flat minor p.3 1 Rubinstein

62. Piano Scherzo No.2 in B flat minor Op.31Agrizi

63. Piano Scherzo No.2 in B flat minor Op.31stanislav nego.

64. Piano Scherzo No.4 in E major.

65. "Raindrops" Prelude Agrich

66. "Raindrops" Prelude Holovitz

67. "Five Mazzuca" Michelangelo

68. Prelude No.28-24 Agrich

68. Prelude 26 Agrich

69. "Prelude op45" Agrich

70. Prelude by Sofronitski

7 1. "The third scherzo in C sharp minor" Pogo Leric.

72. "Dog Waltz" Lippi

73. "Bolero Dance" Wugorsky

74. "Gorgeous Variations" Qi Burstein

75. Piano Sonata No.1 by Burstein.

75. Agrich's Piano Sonata No.2.

76. Di Yun's Impromptu in C Minor.

77. The third impromptu in G flat major, Alau

78. The first movement of Waltz, Op. 69 bis

79. Nocturne Op.27 1 barenboim

80. Allegro Concert, Nagy, Askin

8 1. vasari's Introduction and Variations on Germanic Themes

82. Waltz, Op.42, Lipatti.

82. Waltz, Op.64, No.2, Lipatti.

82. Waltz, Op.70, No.65438.

82. Waltz, Op.70, No.2, Lipatti.

82. Waltz, Op.70, No.3, Lipatti.

83. "Six Variations" Ashkenazy

84. "Piano Impromptu No.1 in A flat major" Alau

85. Dream Polish Dance Blandell

86. Dance of Tarantella.

87. ivo pogorelich, Prelude in G minor, Op.28 No.7.

Ivo pogorelich, Prelude Op.28 in G minor, 12.

Ivo pogorelich's Prelude Op.28 in G minor.

90. Polish dance brendel in F sharp minor.

9 1. Impromptu Second claudio arrau

92. Action Team Mazzuca. 63 bis and 63 bis.

93. Op. 62 at night, 1 Harassi Witz.

94. cortot in spring

95. Silent night

96. Introduction and Molfrakimi & Variations on a Theme; Vofka Askin Naz

97. "No.16" corot

98. "The Fourth Serenade" cortot

99. Three new etudes by cortot.

100. Etudes 10 No.4 Browning

100. "Etudes Op. 25, 1" Browning

Etudes by 10 1.Pelesia110

10 1. Etudes 10 6 "Nova"

10 1. "Etudes 10 No.7" Porini

10 1. Etudes 10 Backhaus No.8.

10 1. Etudes by Perecia 10 9.

10 1. Etudes 10

Etudes by 10 1.Pelesia 1 1.

10 1. etude op. 25, second movement

10 1. Etude, Op.25, No.4, New

10 1. "Etude Op.25-5" Porini

10 1. Etude Op.25 No.7 Porini

10 1. "Etudes Op. 25, 10" Polini

102. "Etude Op.25 12" Boloni.

103. "Etudes of Winter Wind" Bolini

104. "Butterfly Etude" Bolini

105. The theme song of Paganini Venice by Burstein.

106. "Polish Dance Hero" cortot

107. heroic polish dance, magalov

108. Nocturne No.65438 +0 Pires

109. Ninth place. Pires

1 1 1. Nocturnal No 13. Pires (surname)

1 12.No. 15. Pires (surname)

1 12.No. 15. Polini.

1 12.No. 15. 3 an old man.

1 12. No.37. 1 nova.

1 12. No.48. 1 48 Agrich.

1 12. No.48. An old one.

1 13. Mazzuca, op 33 quater. Shura Cherkassky.

1 14. Nocturne, Op.62, No.2, Shura Cherkassky.

1 15. Don Juan: Let's hold hands. Shura Cherkassky.

1 16. Serenade, Op.27 bis Shura Cherkassky.

1 17. 1 Rubinstein of waltz op. 34.

1 17. Waltz, Op.34, No.2.

1 18. Rachmaninov Waltz, Op.34, No.3.

1 19. waltz by blalovsky, op. 34

120. blalovsky waltz, op. 70

12 1. girl's wish rakhmaninov

122. Piano Sonata No.3 by Kisin

124. "Nocturne" No.5 Camille Saint-Sang

125. polish dance, op 53 Ignacy Jan Paderewski.

126. Holovitz's second piano scherzo.

127. "Five Mazzuca" and two Michelangelos.

128. Nocturne, Op.37, No.2.

129. Nocturne No.8

130. Nocturne, Op.9, No.3, Fran? ois

13 1. Nocturne No.20

132. WaltzNo. 14 is not available.

133. waltz "puppy" Chen Sa