Morning dew July 17

Dear brothers, I know that you have been chosen by God. (before-after 1: 4, retranslated)

Many people need to know whether they have been chosen by God before looking to Christ. They won't know this way, because they can only know it by looking up at Jesus. If you want to make sure that you have been chosen, you can follow the following methods, then your heart can be determined before God. Do you feel lost and guilty? You should immediately go to the cross of Christ, tell Jesus about your situation, and tell him that you have read his words in the Bible: "He who comes to me will not forsake him." Tell him, "Lord! You said in your words, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." This statement is credible and admirable. "

Look up to Jesus and believe in him, and you will immediately know that you have been chosen by God. Since what you believe is true and reliable, you have completely dedicated yourself to Christ and relied on him, then you are the one chosen by God. But if you stop and say, "I want to know if I am the chosen one first", then you don't know what you are asking for. Go to Jesus and stop sinning like this! Put all the questions about whether you have been chosen behind you. Just walk up to Christ and hide in his wounds, and you will know that you are God's chosen people. The Holy Spirit will give you evidence that you can say, "Because I know who I believe in and I am convinced that he can keep what I have given him until that day.". You can ask Christ at any time. He can tell you whether you have been chosen, but you can't know whether you have been chosen in other ways. Go, take refuge in him completely! He will answer: "I love you with eternal love, so I attract you with kindness." There is no doubt that when you choose him, he also chooses you. Because we believe in Jesus Christ, we are chosen by God to be his son.