Running thousands of miles away, Hu Yun is poor for a hundred years. When the soldiers were sleeping, the stars fell and the moon broke.
Yan Diao rests at night, Xin Jiao strikes the bow. The north wind hisses, and the rainbow in first frost.
Ming Xiu Avenue and the secluded wilderness are the same for daily use. Fang went to Chang 'an House to worship the Palace.
2. Mao Kun said: "The battle between Qing and Wu was just a battle of chariots, which shocked the north, but although it was sick, it was no better than Qing." Taishigong complained that the words were infinitely tired. "He also said," General, this battle is extremely unique, so it is impossible to ride horses together to benefit the seals. Therefore, Tai Shigong tried his best to describe it, which made people respect it. "
3. Clear waves like smoke? Wei Qing (Xinyun)
Wei Jiaguan Chang 'an, Yu Liu Lian Yi.
A lecherous king has a good eye, but a poor child is loyal to his liver.
Khan shed tears on the battlefield, and Sima Gong became a Gobi desert.
After all, humility can protect itself, and no expert has ever lived longer.
Note: Wei Qing, a general of the Western Han Dynasty and Fu, was born in Nuqi. His sister Wei Zifu was favored by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and later became a queen. Wei Qing was also appreciated by Liang Wudi and gradually simplified into a general. He led the army to attack the Huns seven times and won a great victory. Because of his efforts, Hou was knighted, ranked as a general and Fu, and married Princess Pingyang, the sister of Emperor Wu, which was very expensive. But Wei Qing is modest and kind, and does not oppress others by force. After Wei Zifu's fall from grace, Wei Qing's position never wavered. Wei Qing is a model of ancient warriors.
4. "History of Wei Qing" Author: (Song)
The Prime Minister is a short fox with sand. He bluntly said that he was lonely.
Fortunately, there are two people here, the emperor and the Hou family are always riding slaves.