Once upon a time, there was a rich kingdom. The king there is wise, the people are hardworking and the whole country is very happy. However, the king has an unknown worry, that is, his ears are getting longer every day. In order to cover his long ears, the king specially made a big hat.
One day, the king asked him to have his hair cut. The barber took off his hat and saw the king's ears, shaking with fear. Later, the barber swore to keep a secret. The barber was ill because he kept the secret to himself. The doctor asked him to tell the secret to the hole in the deep mountain, and the barber accepted the suggestion.
A few years later, a tree grew in the hole where the king's secret was buried. A shepherd boy cut off the branches of a big tree to make a flute. I didn't expect the flute to sound: "The king has a pair of donkey ears". Soon, everyone in the city heard the flute. The angry king was persuaded by the barber to tell people that his long ears were used to listen to their hearts. In order to thank the barber, the king made him a minister and asked him to help govern the country. The diligent and loving king is also more loved by the people.
Extended data
The Golden Enlightenment (Part II) series includes: Grandpa in full bloom, Golden Goose, Peter Pan, the determined little tin soldier, Momotaro and the king with donkey ears.
The stories are selected from Grimm's Fairy Tales, Andersen's Fairy Tales, Arabian Nights and some unique fairy tales, myths and folk stories. They are all well-known classics, shining with the light of human literature and wisdom. The painter of this book, Akio Hirata, is a world-famous animation master and the image designer of Astro Boy. His painting skills are profound, his colors are exquisite, and his characters are vivid and lifelike.
Baidu Encyclopedia-King with Long Donkey Ears