Mr. Yu Youren, a modern Chinese calligrapher who is known as the "Sage of Grass", is as famous as his calligraphy for his beautiful beard. He was once asked, "When you sleep, do you put that long beard under the quilt?" , or outside the quilt?" When someone asked, Mr. Youren began to think about it when he was going to bed. It was wrong to put his beard under the quilt, and it was wrong to put it outside the quilt. He actually suffered from insomnia that night. Then, he decided not to think about this problem, and just slept well without paying special attention to where he placed his beard when sleeping, as usual!
This is not just a short story about a calligrapher, it is also a good story about the onset and prevention of insomnia. In clinical practice, insomnia patients often encounter similar situations. Because they thought about something before going to bed, Even trivial things, and then I can't stop my thoughts while lying in bed and have insomnia.
In fact, this is all because some unsolved thoughts are brought to the moment before going to bed. We can also call these "troubles". In clinical practice, in addition to various relaxation training methods, sometimes psychological The teacher will also ask insomniacs to try using the "Trouble Notepad" method to "stop" these worries before going to bed to help the brain stop thinking and worrying over and over. If you have insomnia, you may also try the following steps:
1. Choose a [method]
Most of the time, psychologists recommend using writing, because the action of writing can usually make the senses more focused (such as the touch of your pen) , the vision produced by words), the brain can also be calmer, and the process of writing can also help you sort out your current worries.
2. Choose a ?[location]
If space permits, it is recommended to designate a fixed location so that you can write down your worries. It's important to avoid choosing a place that may be associated with feelings of comfort or relaxation (such as a comfortable lounge chair or a warm bed). Also, instead of sorting out your worries somewhere other than your chosen location, remind yourself that this is the only place you can worry well.
3. Choose a [Period]
Spend some time before going to bed. If you have a good habit of doing relaxation training before going to bed, it is recommended to write " "Trouble Notepad", let yourself use this time to worry deeply, and relatively avoid these worries at other times. Psychologists recommend spending up to 15 minutes.
4. [Write down]? Your little troubles
In the early stages of implementation, you may not know where to start, or you may write a lot and be unable to stop. I suggest you You can use the method of listing points or numbers to make it concise and concise, and also to clarify the "troubles". In addition, it is recommended that the troubles to be written every day should start from a new page, so that you can have a new beginning every day. , yesterday’s troubles are a thing of the past~
5. Tell yourself [Stop! ]
When the 15 minutes are up, tell yourself: "Stop!" You can even shout the word "stop", so it is very convenient to have an alarm clock to remind you. When you stop, the next action is very important. Close this "worry notepad" and put it in a fixed position. Also remind yourself that when you close these worries, you also keep thinking about unresolved issues. The brain circuit of the incident is temporarily shut down!
Of course, psychologists do not teach insomniacs to stop caring about these worries. These worries may also be things that need to be solved by you, so you can put these "troubles" into your mind when you are idle during the day. Open "Notepad" and deal with them one by one. After all, if you think about these worries during the day, they will interfere with your sleep much less. The main purpose is to hope that insomniacs can learn to pause their brains before going to bed and stop worrying about where to put your beard!