Donkeys are easy to ride. Zheng Banqiao, one of the Eight Eccentrics in Yangzhou, was the magistrate of Weixian County during the Qianlong period. He is honest and clean, and is deeply loved by the people. After Zheng Banqiao left office, many local rich gentry and poor people asked for a banquet to see him off, but he refused one by one. He only used three Xiao Lv when he moved. One is led by a servant, one is carrying two bundles of books and a musical instrument, and the other is carrying simple luggage. He rides his own car. It's easy to leave the office like this.
When you wash ink, clean the sink. In the Northern Song Dynasty, the famous calligrapher Mi Fei was in charge of Lianshui. "If you go back to your post, you will lose your money." . When you leave, wash the remaining ink on the nib and put it in the pool, which means "come on, wash it." He didn't take any trees and grass from Lianshui except some clothes and Four Treasures of the Study. Nowadays, the newly built and far-reaching "Lotus Pond" landscape in Lianshui County has attracted countless tourists. A poet said with emotion: "Mi Gong washed his heart with ink, full of energy and brilliant." .
Empty: the ship carries stones to help the ship. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Lu became the county magistrate of Yulin, Guangxi. He is an honest official who fights corruption and advocates honesty, and is known as "a generation of honest officials". When I got home from my land records, the empty boat came back. The ship is too light to cross the sea, so I have to put a big stone to help me sail. After Lu Ji returned to his hometown in Suzhou, he put the boulder back home. Half of the changed boulder is buried in the soil, only the back is exposed, but all passers-by will say, "This is Gong Yulin's stone." In order to inherit its immortal legacy, later generations carved the word "Shi Lian" on this boulder. Today, this huge stone stands in Suzhou Confucian Temple Inscription Museum for the world to see.
During the reign of Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty, Ling Lu of Jiading County was neatly dressed by his wife at the inauguration ceremony. Daily vegetables, planted in the open space of the county government for personal use; Go in and out by boat at your own expense. When he left the office, he was cleaned. There are only a few bundles of books and a loom on board, and nothing else. At that time, someone gave him a pair of couplets, praising: "Some officials are very poor and went to Ren Rong." . Horizontal batch: "The outgoing wallet is empty".
People shed tears. Hai Rui, an honest official in the Ming Dynasty, was called "blue sky" because of his incorruptibility. He lives a frugal life. The bedding and curtains used in the room are all made of white cloth. He is "as modest as a scholar". When Harry left Chun 'an County, people were crying all the way. As the saying goes, "there is a steelyard between heaven and earth, and the weight belongs to the people." Isn't this a fair measure? It is this steelyard that bears the burden of diligence and honesty in the hearts of the people.
As an old saying goes, "What is right and what is wrong is up to you." In fact, why should we "discuss" and "draw a conclusion"? The departure of an honest official is a mirror. Only after leaving can people see and "judge" the truth most clearly. It can be said: "After the politicians left, public opinion began to talk."