Returning the pen to seal cutting is about the wisdom and courage of calligraphers. The seventh grandson of Wang Xizhi, a great calligrapher in Jin Dynasty. Yunyou traveled to Shanlian Town, Zhejiang Province and lived in Yongxin Temple for 30 years. Practice calligraphy every day. When practicing calligraphy, when the handwriting is bald, take it off and throw it into the basket. After a long time, the broken pen has accumulated ten big scorpions. Later, Zhiyong dug a deep pit in the open space in front of Yongxin Temple, and buried all the broken pens in the soil, calling it the tomb of returning pens.
Author experience
Zhiyong made great contributions at that time. His nephew Huixin, his apprentice Zhiguo and Cai Bian are all great calligraphers, and some people have achieved more than him. At that time, many people who asked him for books stepped on the threshold of his house and wrapped them in iron sheets. Later, they asked "Iron Gate Limited" to send Mo Bao's paper to his home because it was written too late.