China Library Classification Code refers to the classification code obtained by using the "Chinese Library Classification" to conduct thematic analysis of scientific and technological documents and organize the documents into categories according to the subject attributes and characteristics of the document content.
"Chinese Library Classification" (formerly known as "Chinese Library Book Classification"), referred to as "Chinese Library Classification", is a representative large-scale comprehensive document compiled and published after the founding of the People's Republic of my country. Classification is the most widely used classification system in domestic libraries today.
"China Library Method" was first published in 1975, and the fourth edition was published in 1999. The revised fourth edition of the "Chinese Library Classification" added categories for classified materials, and distinguished them from the categories of classified books with a "+" mark, so it was officially renamed "Chinese Library Classification", abbreviated as "Chinese Library Classification". constant.
The fourth edition of "China Library Classification" comprehensively adds new themes and expands the category system, so that the classification method can keep up with the pace of scientific and technological development. At the same time, the categories are standardized, the reference system and annotation system are improved, the category system is adjusted, and sub-tables are added and repaired, which significantly enhances the expansion of categories and the accuracy of classification.
China Library Classification*** is divided into 5 basic categories and 22 major categories. A mixed number that combines English letters and Arabic numerals is used. One letter is used to represent a major category, and the alphabetical order reflects the order of the major categories. Numbers are used after the letters to mark the numbers. In order to adapt to the development of industrial technology and the classification of such documents, double letters are used for the secondary categories of industrial technology.