"Huan Gong Fu Jia set up a base and extended courtiers, so he should punish Xie An and Wang. Wang was very unhappy and asked Xie An, "What's the plan?" Xie Shen's intention remains unchanged. Du Wen said,' The survival of Jinyi depends on this line. Keeping pace with the times, the king's fear turned to color. The more tolerant you are, the more obvious you are. Looking at the steps and rushing to the table, Fang Zuo sang and teased the' boundless torrent'. "The constant fear of its broadmindedness is to solve the problem quickly. "
Xie Wang, old eponymous, began to judge the pros and cons here.
"Huan Wen ambushed the army, held a banquet, and invited court officials to take this opportunity to kill Xie An and Wang. The king got a fright and asked Xie An, "What should I do? Xie An said to the king with a straight face, "The survival of the royal family in the Eastern Jin Dynasty depends on our trip. "Just went with the king (for dinner). The king's fear is manifested in his appearance. And Xie An's composure is more manifested in appearance. (Xie An) Go up the steps and find a seat, and write a poem "Ode to Luo Sheng", which is full of words. Huan Wen was shocked by Xie An's broad-minded demeanor and composure, and hurriedly ordered the withdrawal. "
Wang He and Xie An were once on the same page. After this, we can judge who is good and who is bad.
2. Read the classical Chinese, read the following text, and complete the following question (1) "Living-mourning" as a fixed structure, pause before and after, and exclude AB; "Never" is usually linked together, with a pause in front, excluding D; Kun Li was elegant and beautiful when he was young, and he was also very smart in his studies. After his father died, he stayed at home to be filial. His family has a lot of property. When his in-laws came to pay their respects, someone left with them. Kun Li never asked. Since then, he has devoted himself to charity. After living in his house for several years, his family's wealth has been basically exhausted. In his forties, he was in trouble in Guangling area. The inspection system was implemented in Han Dynasty. (3)C's mistake is that "if people are just to others and obey God, they can dominate God". The original text is: "Righteousness comes first, obedience to God, the people are God, and the people are blessed with peace". In addition, people who are just to the people can live in harmony with the gods. The will of the people is the master of the gods, and the peace and well-being of the people will naturally come. "Chasing" and grasping; The emperor didn't believe Du You's promise and sent someone to arrest Li Gan. After entering the main hall, the emperor saw him and said, "Where is this rebel army?" 2, "ignorance", no consciousness; "Private", preference; Please say "pleasure". If the gods are unconscious, then they can't give happiness; If God is conscious, then we can't please them by favoring ourselves. Answer: (1)C(2)A(3)C (4)① The emperor didn't believe Du You's guarantee and sent someone to arrest Li Gan in a hurry. After entering the main hall, the emperor saw him and said, "Where is this rebel army?" (2) If the gods are unconscious, then they cannot be blessed; If God is conscious, then we can't please them by favoring ourselves. Kun Li, Uncle Han, is from Zhaozhou. When I was young, Kun Li was elegant and beautiful, and she was also smart in her studies. After his father's death, he kept filial piety at home. His family has a lot of property. In-laws came to offer their condolences. Someone left with their belongings, but Kun Li never asked. His family fortune is almost exhausted. In his forties, he was in trouble in Guangling, and even he couldn't help himself. Kun Li was happy when his wife and children scolded him. When Zhang Jianfeng, the governor of Xuzhou, recruited him to be an official in Jiedu Mansion. When Zhang Jian died, Du He, the satrap of Haozhou, rode very fast. He secretly wanted to wait for him to take over as our governor, but Kun Li cried and said to him, Go back quickly, or I will impeach you according to law! Du He hated him for this and falsely accused him of playing: "After Zhang Jianfeng's death, Kun Li disturbed the morale of the army and had ulterior motives. "After playing great anger, secret imperial edict Xu Si make Du You kill it. Du You always valued Kun Li, and after obtaining the imperial edict, he didn't act for ten days. Then he called Kun Li and said, "Man is on earth. Kun Li said, "Maybe." Du You said, "If that's the case, then you don't have to worry about anything." So Du You showed Kun Li the secret edict. Kun Li did not change after reading it, and said, "It's really effective. This is Du Jian's revenge!" Du You said, "Don't be afraid, I will guarantee you with my family's life." The emperor didn't believe Du You's assurance, and soon sent someone to arrest Li Gan. After entering the main hall, the emperor looked at his face and said, "Where is this rebel army?" The emperor released Kun Li and made him a doctor. Wang Zhongshu and his roommates Lang Guan Wei, Ji Cheng and Lv Dong held a party during the day, inviting guests to have fun with each other. Because I admire Kun Li's fame, I invited Li Kun to come. Wang Zhongshu and others said some ridiculous words and argots, which were close but not solemn. Kun Li met them once, and later, Wang Zhongshu and others were indeed demoted and removed for committing crimes. After many promotions, Li Gan became a doctor in the official department. Pei Ji told Tang Xianzong that Li Gan had the talent to be a prime minister. When Zheng Mian went on strike, Xianzong took the opportunity to make Li Gan assistant minister and general secretary. Li Gan. Stop Lutz's prayers. Every time Emperor Wen offered sacrifices to God, he ordered the officials concerned to respect God and not to pray. If God is unconscious, they will not be blessed. If God is conscious, then we can't please them by favoring ourselves. Moreover, those who are righteous for the people will live in harmony with the gods. The will of the people is the master of the gods, and the peace and well-being of the people will naturally come. "The emperor said happily," I must encourage each other up and down with you in order to protect these proverbs. "Hedong our Wang E bribe worthies, nearly minister seeks the prime minister. The emperor sent secret letters to Zhongshu Province and Menxia Province, saying, "Wang E can also serve as prime minister." After seeing the imperial edict, Li Qi immediately took a pen to erase the word "prime minister" and signed an opinion on the left side of the imperial edict, saying, "No." Richie took the imperial edict and went back to report to the emperor. Prime Minister Quan Deyu was surprised and said, "If it doesn't work, write another paper." Li Gan said, "The situation is urgent, and we can't stop after today. "This matter was soon put on hold. The following year, Li Gan was appointed as the secretariat of Huazhou. Li Gan died before he took office. He was fifty-eight years old this year, and was given an official position and a book of ministers by the court. posthumous title's name was Jian Zhen.
3. I'm getting married. Who will help me write an invitation in classical Chinese?
1. When printing or writing the word "invitation" on the cover of a double invitation card, it is generally necessary to do some artistic treatment, that is, use famous calligraphy, text bronzing or pattern decoration. In some single invitations, the word "invitation" is written on the top first line, and the font is slightly larger than the body.
2, regardless of single post, double post, in the post writing is roughly the same. Write the name of the inviter or the name of the inviting unit in the top box of the first line of the post. Some invitations put the name of the invitee or the name of the company in the last line and also write it in the top box.
3. Explain the activities that the invitee will participate in, such as attending symposiums, parties, banquets, etc., and explain the specific time and place. If you have other activities, such as watching film and television performances, you should indicate or attach an admission ticket in the invitation letter.
4. Write "Please come" and "salute" at the end, which was called "gift" in ancient times.
Ahem, I'm incompetent ...
invitation card
I will hold a wedding with MM in XX Hotel at noon on X, X, and look forward to your visit. There is water and wine, please reward me with my meager sensibilities.
4. Read the following classical Chinese and answer the following questions (8 points): Feng Gongsun, a native of Yingchuan, is also 1.D2.C3.D4.A5.① You can slowly induce them to surrender with kindness and faith, but it is difficult to defeat them by force in a short time.
(2) The thief soldiers saw that Feng Yi was weak, so they sent troops to besiege Feng, and Feng Yi sent troops to fight a decisive battle. (3) Later, he was summoned by Emperor Guangwu for a banquet to discuss the pacification of Shu. Ten days later, the emperor asked Feng Yi's wife and children to return to Guanzhong with Feng Yi.
1. Analysis: In classical Chinese reading, it is sometimes necessary to infer the meaning of important words according to the specific context, and the interpretation of item D is incorrect. Judging from the general idea of the original sentence, "self-criticism" should be changed to "boasting". So choose D.
Test center: understand the meaning of common content words in classical Chinese in the text. The ability level is understanding B.
2. Analysis: Generally, such function words in classical Chinese should be combined with specific context to determine the specific usage and meaning of a function word. Item C: Both of them are intentional.
Item A: Then, just/by;; Item b: think/because, the same. Item d: temporarily/not yet.
So choose C. test center: understand the meaning and usage of function words commonly used in classical Chinese.
The ability level is to understand B.3. Analysis: This kind of question can first clarify the meaning of optional sentences, and then judge whether Feng Yi is good at using troops according to the meaning of the text and the meaning of the sentence.
(1) Feng Yi's modesty. (2) Feng Yi's loyalty to Emperor Guangwu.
(5) Feng Yi wanted to be an official in the imperial court. So choose D.
Test center: filter the information in the text. The ability level is C.
4. Analysis: According to the context, you can analyze whether the options are correct. Item B: "It shows that he still lacks the demeanor of a general" is not appropriate. Without this information, it should be said that he showed his "humility". Item C: "When attacking Chimei, Feng Yi thought that the foot soldiers were hungry and tired, so they should rest and should not go out." Inappropriate, when attacking Chimei at first, Feng Yi thought that the enemy was "too many people" ... difficult to fight and difficult to break "and should not go to war.
Improper "defeat of the Red Eyebrow Army" refers to "defeat of the Red Eyebrow Army by Yang", "Yang" and false surrender. Item D: "Emperor Guangwu showed him the paper himself" is improper, but he sent someone to show him the paper.
Inappropriate "offering an apology" is "confession". So choose a.
Test center: summarize the main points of the content and summarize the central meaning. The ability level is analytical synthesis C.
5. Analysis: On the basis of accurately grasping the meaning of the text, this topic focuses on literal translation, supplemented by free translation, and understands some key sentences in the text, such as key notional words, function words, judgments, passive sentences, prepositional objects, component ellipsis, flexible use of parts of speech, etc., and expresses them in standardized modern Chinese. The key words to be paid attention to in the translation of this topic are: want, induction, death, weakness, quotation, reading, discussion and painting.
Test center: Understand and translate the sentences in the text. The ability level is understanding B.