Wang Xizhi is not sorry for others, but sorry for himself. In fact, Zhou Yu is not angry with others, but also with himself. Zhou Yuruo is very generous. If he is generous, he won't feel jealous, jealous or hateful. So why is Zhuge Liang angry?
Wang Xizhi is also a unique person. God likes him very much. He was born in a noble family of Langya Wang, and brought a rich family when he landed. Life experience is good, people are smart and endowed with calligraphy skills. Teenagers have gained a high reputation. They have neighbors and princes from top to bottom. "Commentators call his calligraphy brushwork, thinking that it floats like a cloud, if it surprises the dragon", and evaluate his calligraphy "especially good at official script, the highest level in ancient and modern times." Indeed, Wang Xizhi's Preface to Lanting is the best in the world. After more than a thousand years, no one can surpass it.
What kind of life can I ask for here?
Wang Xizhi has been here, but he still asks too much.
Wang Xizhi likes to compete with others for leisure. To put it bluntly, it is easy to envy, envy and hate. There is a man named Wang Shu, who has the same surname and the same age. He is very moody. Wang Xizhi regarded Wang Shu as an imaginary enemy from an early age. Shu Wang Shu, although riding for a long time, is not worthy of the name, just like Xi; However, Xi was in a bad mood, so the two kings took the same name without ostentation and extravagance, which was the name of their lives. In calligraphy, Wang Xizhi left Wang Shu behind. Wang Xizhi can be proud of eating all over the world. What are you dissatisfied with? You can be proud or empty. What is a master calligrapher compared with a talented but unknown person?
However, Wang Xizhi likes to follow the fashion. This comparison is not a trick to eat all over the world, but a trick to make everything beautiful. Calligraphy, articles, status, family, career, wealth, reputation, as well as poetry, chess, calligraphy, tea, wine and so on. Don't lose people, it's hard to live. Wang Shu's calligraphy and fame are far less than Wang Xizhi's, but his official position and professional prestige are far higher than Wang Xizhi's. "Wang Youjun is a bright sky. After Lantian Festival, the reputation became heavier and the right army was particularly unbalanced. "
Wang Shu had a bad reputation in his early years, and later he was praised as an official. His promotion is faster and higher than that of Wang Xizhi. Now Wang Xizhi can't sit still, and his heart is burning. Wang Xizhi is a civil servant of the Hui nationality. Just when Wang Shu's mother died, he went to pay his respects and saw Wang Shu crying for her. Wang Shu came to meet him, and he turned and left. I have jealousy and hatred in my heart. Do people who have lost their mothers need to be humiliated?
Wang Xizhi did another interesting thing. Wang Shu is the secretariat of Yangzhou, and Huiji only belongs to Yangzhou. It turns out that one is very famous in the art world and the other is also very famous in officialdom, but their status is basically the same. Now, Wang Shu wants to "lead" Wang Xizhi. Now, in Wang Xizhi's mind, the unknown fire is burning more vigorously. "In the first news, the score will be recorded as cross-state."
After finishing the report, I want to delimit the territory from Yangzhou and upgrade Huiji to Yuezhou, so that I can be on an equal footing with Wang Shu as the secretariat. Just quarreling with Uncle Wang and asking people to make administrative adjustments is no joke. Laughed at by Shixian. Besides, Uncle Wang may do something in the future. Then, the right-wing army said that it was sick and went to the county seat. Officialdom can't go on, it can only be resigned.
After Wang Xizhi resigned, some books said that he lived very well, but playing cards, reading books and traveling in the forest actually didn't live very well. It is sad that people who are not open-minded live like immortals. Liu Yiqing's A Chinese Odyssey may be more reliable. The right-wing army said it would go to the county seat and was filled with indignation. '
Wang Xizhi died young at the age of 59. Unfortunately, a generation of great calligraphers died young and narrow-minded.
You won't lose anyone, you won't lose anything, so please lose your life.