Qing Si Fu Ruan Ji

Qingsi Fu

I think that the visible form is not the beauty of color; the audible sound is not the beauty of sound. In the past, the Yellow Emperor ascended to the top of Jingshan Mountain and Zhenxian Pond was located at the south entrance of Wang. The ghosts and gods were secluded, but Kui Ya could not hear its inscriptions. The girl is shining brightly on the shore of the East China Sea, and fluttering beside the Hongxi River. The forest and rocks are falling, but the Yao Terrace does not shine its light. Therefore, it is subtle and invisible, lonely and deaf, and then you can see the graceful and clear. Therefore, if the daylight is bright, then the queen of the season will not be able to follow his appearance; if the bells and drums are loud, the son will not be able to raise his voice.

If the husband is clear and empty, the divine objects will come to gather; if he is drifting away and in a trance, the cave will be deep and deep; if the ice heart and jade are of pure quality, it will stimulate pure thoughts; if it is tranquil and without desires, the ambition will be suitable. I'm so worried about it, but how can I succeed in it? The cold wind is blowing in the millet valley, and I am teaching my son to swim? Shen Ru is sad but does not want to return, Wu Hong is sad but still alive. I am grateful to reach God, how can it be so vast and empty? The ambition is not coveted (one word is "Kai".) but the spirit is upright, the heart is not swayed and sincere. If you stick to one thing and cultivate yourself internally, you will be able to stand up to the gangsters in Guangdong. But in the Qing Dynasty, the sunset came to an end, and it meant that Meng Si was in eternal peace. At this time, Xihe was already in decline, and Xuan Ye was beginning to suffer. Wangshu adjusts the bridle, and Su Feng comes to attack. Light curtain luck?, Huayin is cleared. The clam sings slightly, and the mole cricket sings. Look at the towering Cui of the Nanshan Mountains and the greenery of the Northern Forest. The great shadow lurks in the back room, and the bright moon shines in the front yard. It's because of the excitement and lack of sleep that I suddenly realize and startle myself.

If there is a long spirit, then it will be quiet, and there will be a place where it will be. The mind wanders and changes its thoughts, the heart vibrates and becomes thoughtful. If someone comes, you can pick him up; if someone goes, don't say goodbye. Sigh? (One word is "Bo".) Cherish and lose Geng, (One word is "Heart is suddenly confused and lose control.") Love is scattered and excessive. How can I realize that it is true? It is as true as a cloud and a dream. The difference in the sound of surprise (the lack of "made") is here, and the difference in color is here. Open the Dangui ("Gui" means "mountain".) and play the harp and listen to the unevenness of Chongling. It begins to sing slowly and slightly loudly, and the emotion is quiet and wise.

Then the clouds were brought in, causing the energy to flow, causing vibrations and a great shock. Sound lt; wind? gt; 々 With the ocean, if you climb to Kunlun and face the West Sea. It's so far away and so indistinct that it's impossible to find out where it is. My heart is full of emotions but has no end, and my thoughts are lingering but not yet half-finished. Deng Lin died in Dazexi, and Qin Pi mourned in Yao'an. Wandering around here, wandering around, wandering in Pingpu to take a long look at you, riding on the beauty of the water? I have long thought about it and will come here forever, to clean up the barren land of the thoroughfare. Along the open road, there is a path leading to the west, and a boudoir door and a cave door are opened. The envy is floating in the sky, relying on the east wind to raise the rays. Mu Weiyuan is known for his meticulous manners, his body is clean and extravagant. I am disgusted with white jade and think of it as my face, and wear it with Danxia as my clothes. The dazzling light of Jiu Ying is coming, and the Yao light is faint. "Yu Lan" 381 "Fahui". The service of Sui Yu is colorful, and the soldiers of Di are picked up by the crowd to show their satisfaction. The colors are shining and rotten, and they are mixed and colorful. Like morning clouds coming together, like the interdependence of changes. The envoy of Chang Yi, who was under his command, asked him to come back first and ordered the river girl to return with Xu. The steps are forward and the steps are special, and the two couplets are rising. Zhenyao River is ringing with jade, and the beauty of Lingyang is broadcast. Walking through the dangers of dissipation and refreshment, and the slightness of separation. The Zhu Lu of the An Dynasty was released, practicing the mat and gathering the curtains. Fu Si came to the room, but it was a wandering place. The fragrant fragrance spreads out, and the charming face shines to show off its appearance. The clear words are like orchids, and the words are euphemistic and unruly. It depends on the luck of the elves that it will come, and the afterglow of the sun and moon will shine. The fake pure spirit is subtle, but it is selfish. May I express my love tonight, and still have time to find out what is right and wrong. The fragrant evening is smooth, and I will leave temporarily and return forever. The view is full of joy but not calm, the words are not understood but the heart is sad. The clouds and neons can be relied on, and they all fly away with their wings. The abandoned central hall is cramped, and the abandoned household is in no place. The curtains are stretched and stretched, and there are several banquets but no help. (The first word is "拊".) Carrying Yun Yu's dying mist, riding on the two dragons of Xia Hou. Break the redwood to cover the sun, and cover it with three layers of zhizhi. Wings fluttering to the left and right, and long and graceful. Look towards the sky and make a "cloud". The clouds of clouds come together like a beautiful woman's worries. The colors are mixed and written, but they are suddenly scattered and not retained. If the words are not spoken yet, the Qi will change and float. If the fashion is missing, the decoration will not be gathered and the shape will disappear. The eyes are looking forward to farewell, the heart is eager to come, but the appearance is beautiful. The variety is endless but not yet exhausted, let me first list the rules of the night. At that time, the party was rushing and it was dark, and suddenly it didn't recognize the old world. The yellow demon is standing high on the platform, and the thunder master is working hard to make it rain. The inner wise man and his wise man are like each other, and Li Lun and Ying Jia are beaten. There are monsters and monsters, ghosts and gods are coming, the diameter is as high as expected, passing through the four directions, and being pregnant, who cares or doubts it? Jump super high and be frightened, reach the North Pole and let go! When I came to the aid room, I showed my love to you, and I said a long farewell to the poor family. How can a woman think enough if she is not tired of all things?