Wang Xizhi began to learn calligraphy at the age of seven, and was very famous in Fiona Fang Baili in less than 2000, so he was on cloud nine.
One day, when he passed by the market, he saw a jiaozi store with a thriving business, but the words "Duck jiaozi Store" were written askew. Wang Xizhi wanted to visit and understand, so he went into the shop. I saw the boiling water in the cauldron on the stove, and the wrapped jiaozi connection was constantly thrown over and just fell into the cauldron.
Wang Xizhi sat down and asked for a bowl. He found that jiaozi in the bowl was like a duckling playing in the water, delicate and fragrant. He went to the back to find the shopkeeper.
The shopkeeper is a white-haired grandmother who is kneading jiaozi skillfully. Grandma wrapped a jiaozi and threw it into the pot without looking. Wang Xizhi was surprised and quickly asked the old man: How long will it take you to practice kung fu? Grandma replied that it takes 50 years to be proficient and a lifetime to practice deeply. If Wang Xizhi realizes that your business is so good, why not find a celebrity to write a signboard? It is not good to invite you. Let's say that Wang Xizhi, a ten-year-old boy, was praised to heaven. In fact, his writing skills are not as deep as my throwing jiaozi.
Wang Xizhi was ashamed to hear that.
From then on, Wang Xizhi knew that people are outside, and the sky is behind. He has to work hard to make great achievements.