In the spring of the third year of Zhangwu, the late master (Liu Bei) was more seriously ill than Yong 'an. Zhuge Liang was called to Chengdu to arrange the funeral. (Liu Bei) said to Zhuge Liang, "Your talent is ten times that of Cao Pi, and you will surely stabilize the country and eventually achieve great things. If the heir can help him, help him. If he can't become useful, call himself an emperor. "
Zhuge Liang cried and said, "I will defend my country to the death!" " The old gentleman in the imperial palace issued another imperial edict, ordering Sir Zhong to treat the Prime Minister like a father. In the first year of Jianxing, Zhuge Liang was named Hou of Wuxiang and began to govern the country. Later, Zhuge Liang was appointed as Yizhou Pastor. The details of political affairs are decided by Zhuge Liang.
Several counties in the south and the middle joined forces to rebel. Zhuge Liang did not go to war easily because Liu Bei had just died. Instead, he sent messengers to Wu to pay the dowry, and married them and became friendly neighbors.
Original text:
In the spring of the third year of Zhangwu, the late Lord An was seriously ill and called Liang in Chengdu. Later, Liang said, "You are only ten times as talented as Cao Pi, and you will be able to secure the world and achieve great things in the end. If the heir can supplement it, supplement it; If you are incompetent, you can take it yourself. "
Bright tears said, "I dare to use my strength to serve Loyalty Festival and then die!" " The late master also wrote a letter to the late master, which said, "If you work with the prime minister, you will be as good as your father." In the first year of Jianxing, Wu Xiang Hou was sealed and a government was set up to manage affairs. In a short time, he led Yizhou shepherd.
No matter how big or small the political affairs are, we should also look at the salt. All the counties in the south and middle have rebelled, which is a great loss for them. So they increased their troops without delay and sent envoys to hire Wu. Because of their marriage, they became friends of this country.
Source: Biography of the Three Kingdoms, Shu Shu and Zhuge Liang by Chen Shou in the Western Jin Dynasty.
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Personal data:
Zhuge Liang (181-23410-8) was born in Xuzhou (now yinan county, Linyi City, Shandong Province) and was an outstanding politician, strategist, diplomat, writer, calligrapher and inventor during the Three Kingdoms period.
In his early years, he went to Jingzhou with his uncle Zhuge Xuan. After Zhuge Xuan's death, Zhuge Liang lived in seclusion in Longzhong. After Liu Bei arrived at the thatched cottage, Zhuge Liang was invited to come out, but Sun Lian resisted Cao and was defeated by Battle of Red Cliffs. Formed the trend of the Three Kingdoms and captured Jingzhou. In the 16th year of Jian 'an (2 1 1), Yizhou was captured. Then he defeated Cao Jun and won Hanzhong.
In the first year of Shu Zhangwu (22 1), Liu Bei established the Shu-Han regime in Chengdu, and Zhuge Liang was appointed as the prime minister to preside over state affairs. Liu Chan, the ruler in the last years of Shu and Han Dynasties, succeeded to the throne, and Zhuge Liang was made the marquis of Wuxiang, leading Yizhou as a shepherd. Diligent and prudent, big and small political affairs must be personally done, and rewards and punishments are strict; Make an alliance with Wu Dong to improve relations with all ethnic groups in southwest China; Carry out the reclamation policy and strengthen combat readiness. Most of the six northern expeditions to the Central Plains were based on grain.
Eventually, due to overwork, he died in Wuzhangyuan (now Qishan, Baoji, Shaanxi) in the twelfth year of Jianxing in Shu at the age of 54. Liu Chan made him a loyal minister, and later generations often called him Zhuge Liang by Wuhou. Because of his military ability, the Eastern Jin regime named him King Wuxing.
The representative works of Zhuge Liang's prose include A Model and A Book of Commandments. He once invented the wooden ox, the flying horse, the Kongming lantern and so on, and transformed the crossbow, called Zhuge Lian crossbow, which can hit all targets with one crossbow. Zhuge Liang, a representative of loyal ministers and wise men in China traditional culture, devoted himself to his life and died.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Zhuge Liang