Wang Xizhi's handwriting is rare, while Stuart's handwriting is very obedient. It is not surprising that people are young and speak slowly. And long, arguing and raising, famous bones. Especially the book is the best in ancient and modern times, and critics call it the pen gesture, which is considered as a floating cloud, smart and shocking, deeply valued by Taoism. When it has the same name, it has the same name as Wang Cheng and Wang Yue. When Jane asked his disciples to seek guidance from his son-in-law, he ordered him to visit his children in the east wing. Disciple turned around and said, "Wang is good at counting, but he is salty and reserved when he hears his letter." The only person who eats in the east bed is hungry, but if he doesn't smell it. "The sword said," This is a good husband and evil! "Remember it, it also means Xi, so I regard it as a woman's wife.
The elegance of Xihe River is delicious and easy to raise, and it is not happy in the capital. When she crosses Zhejiang for the first time, she will have the ambition to complete it. Huiji has beautiful landscapes. Many celebrities live here, and Xie An also lives here when he is not an official. Sun Chuo, Li Chong and others. They are all good at writing and meaning, and they are all good at building houses with east soil and west. Taste and gay banquet was held in Lanting, which is located in the shade of Huiji Mountain. Xi's own order was to declare his ambition.
Good-natured geese can live alone, keep a goose and sing well, but they can't get the market, so they bring new friends to see it. I heard Xihe was coming, and I cooked for him. Xihe regretted it for a long time. There is also a Taoist priest in Yin Shan who keeps geese very well. He likes them very much and goes to the market. The Taoist priest said, "In order to write the Tao Te Ching, we will send a group of people to communicate with each other." Xihe happily finished writing and went home in a cage, very happy. I tasted my protege's house and found it slippery. Because of the book, it was really half grass. Later, his father accidentally scraped it off, and the students were shocked and depressed. The book of Xi is very important to the world, and it is like this. Every boast: "My book is better than Zhong You, so we should resist it;" Compared with Zhang, he is still a wild goose. " I once wrote a book with someone: "Zhang Zhi is studying in the pool, and the water in the pool is all black, which makes people worry, but it may not be the last one."
Wang Shu, an ancient general of a title of generals in ancient times, is not famous, as famous as Xihe, but Xihe is very light because of its good relationship. First of all, it will be a meeting, mother will live in the county, and Xi's generation will stop, so it will be unimportant. Every time I hear the sound of the horn, I mean I should wait for myself and wait for it.
Such people have been doing this for several years, but they ignore it and say they hate it.
(Biography of the Book of Jin and Wang Xizhi)
(fěi) Several boxes: Some boxes made of eucalyptus. My name is Yun, a wooden name. 2 true grass: regular script and cursive script. ③ Jií Mountain: The name of the mountain, in Shaoxing, Zhejiang. ④ Old mother (M incarnation): elderly woman. ⑤ Wang Youjun: refers to Wang Xizhi. 6 weight: value and admire.
Wang Xizhi is the nephew of Stuart Wang Dao. Grandfather Wang Zheng, official to business; My father, Wang Kuang, was the prefect of Huainan (now in Dangtu and Wuhu). Wang Zi was not good at talking when he was a child, and people couldn't see anything superhuman about him. When he grew up, he was very good at arguing and was famous for his declared temperament. He is good at calligraphy, the highest in ancient and modern times. People praised his calligraphy style as "floating like a cloud, agile like a dragon". His uncles Wang Dun and Wang Dao attach great importance to him. Chen Liu (now near Kaifeng, Henan Province) was a police officer at that time and valued Wang very much. He regarded him, Wang Yue and Wang Cheng as the three great talents of the Wang family. On one occasion, Qiu Jian sent his protege to see Wang Dao, hoping to choose a son-in-law among the children of the Wangs. Wang Dao sent someone to the East Wing to investigate the Wangs' children. His protege came back and said to Du Jian, "The children in the Wang family are all good, but when they hear that there are famous neighbors, they all look uncomfortable." There is only one person sitting on the bed in the east, eating with an empty stomach, as if nothing had happened. " Du Jian said, "This is the right husband for me. "Ask, turned out to be Ganzhi Wang. County Jian married his daughter to him.
Xizhi likes taking medicine to nourish her temperament, but she doesn't like being in Beijing. When he first arrived in Zhejiang, he had the ambition to die here. Huiji has beautiful scenery, beautiful scenery and celebrities. Xie An lived here before he became an official. Sun Chuo, Li Chong, Xu Xun, Zhixun and others are all famous for their articles. They all have houses here, congenial to the dynasty. Wang Rangzhi once announced that he would get together with his good friend Huidao Yin Shan in Lanting, and personally made a preface. Announce his ambition.
Wang Xizhi was born a sex goose. In Huiji, there was a lonely old lady who kept a goose. That sounds great. He wanted to buy it but couldn't, so he took his relatives and friends to see it. But when the old lady heard that he was coming, she cooked the goose and prepared to entertain him. He was sad all day. At that time, there was a Taoist priest in Yinshan who kept a flock of geese. Wang Zhanzhi was very happy when he went to see it, and repeatedly begged the Taoist priest to buy his goose. The Taoist priest said to him, "You help me copy the Tao Te Ching, and I'll give you all these geese." Wang Xizhi happily finished writing and returned home with a cage full of geese. He was overjoyed all the way. His personality is so frank. On another occasion, when he went to a student's house, he saw that the wooden low table in his school (tenant bandit) was clean and smooth, with Lai Ning written on it, half in regular script and half in cursive script. Later, the student's father accidentally scratched off these words: His students regretted it for several days. His calligraphy notes were valued by the world at that time, and there were many such things. Wang often claims to be; "My calligraphy is comparable to Zhong You; Compared with Zhang Zhi's cursive script, it is also like a wild goose. " He once wrote: "In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Zhi learned to write in Linchi, and the pool turned black. If everyone in the world is as addicted to calligraphy as he is, it is not necessarily worse than him. " Wang Shu, a general on horseback, is not well-known and enjoys the same fame as Ganzhi Wang, but Wang Bizhi looks down on him, so they are at odds. Wang made an internal review. He resigned to mourn because of his mother's death. Wang came to take his place in shame. He only visited Wang Shu's house once and never came again. Every time Wang Shu heard the bugle call outside, he always thought it was Wang Huo who came to visit him. He was enthusiastic and busy, so after a year, Wang Xian ignored him, and Wang Shu was deeply sorry. "