Wang Yongzhen, the 11th son of Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty, married Wang Fu. In the fifty-fourth year of Qianlong (1789), he was made a prince and given the Pearl House. Yong Xun was good at calligraphy since he was a child and won the favor of Emperor Gaozong. During the Jiaqing period, Jin Zhai Tie was engraved. In the fourth year of Jiaqing (1799), Yongsheng Ministry of War was appointed as the prince. Repeatedly punished, Jiaqing ordered "thinking behind closed doors first". Daoguang died three years ago at the age of 72 (1823). The Draft of the History of Qing Dynasty said that "the philosopher of Emperor Gaozong was good at literature, especially Prince Cheng Zhe, whose words were written by Zhang Shuhan, and he was innocent of the ancients". His great-grandson Zai Feng successfully captured the county king, and Zai Feng's eldest son Pu Zhuang successfully captured Baylor and later the king of Jin County. Tongzhi eleven years (1872), adopted son Yu Di succeeded Beizi.
Located on the northern edge of Houhai, it was originally the Pearl Building of Kangxi University.
The draft of Jingshifang Lane calls this house the Slag House. In the 14th year of Guangxu (1888), the Chunjia Palace was established here, and the imperial seal was moved to the second half street of Xizhimen.