1. When Wang Youjun was less than ten years old, the general (Wang Dun) liked him very much and often let him sleep in his own account. The general once came out of the tent first, but the right army was not up yet. Before long, Qian Feng came, and the two men refused to discuss things with others, forgetting that the right army was still in the account, and then talked about the details of plotting rebellion.
When Wang Youjun woke up and heard what they were plotting, he knew that he must have no reason to live, so he dug out the water with his fingers and stained his face, pillow and quilt, pretending that he was still asleep. Halfway through the discussion, Wang Dun realized that Wang Youjun had not got up yet. Both of them were shocked and said, "I have to kill him." When they opened the curtains and saw saliva everywhere, they believed that he was still asleep, so the life of the right army was saved. At that time, people praised Wang Youjun for his cleverness and wit.
Second, the original text: Liu Song (Southern Dynasties)
When Wang Youjun was ten years old, the general loved it very much and kept sleeping in his tent. The general tastes first, but the right army has not yet started. For a moment, Qian Fengjin, screen people talk about things. Forget the right army in the account, and then speak against the plot. You junjue, having heard what he said, knows that there is no living reason, but yang spits dirty bedding on his head and face, so he can't sleep. Dun said that the matter was half done, but Fang thought that the right army had not yet risen. Xiang said with great surprise, "We have to get rid of it!" And open the account, but see spit from the horizontal, the letter is actually asleep, so I get it all. People at that time called him wise.
Extended information
1. Brief introduction of the characters
Wang Youjun, namely Wang Xizhi, was a civil servant of Huiji and was the right general, so he was called Wang Youjun.
Wang Xizhi (33-361, Yi Shuo 321-379), a calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, was known as the "sage of books". A native of Linyi (now Linyi, Shandong Province), he moved to Shanyin, Huiji (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province) and lived in seclusion in Jinting County in his later years. Successive secretaries, general Ning Yuan, Jiangzhou secretariat, and later the civil history of Huiji, leading the right general. His calligraphy is good at calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy and calligraphy. The style is peaceful and natural, the brushwork is euphemistic and subtle, and it is beautiful and beautiful.
Li Zhimin commented: "Wang Xizhi's calligraphy not only shows simplicity and abstinence based on the philosophy of Laozi and Zhuangzi, but also shows harmony based on the Confucian doctrine of the mean." The masterpiece Preface to Lanting is known as "the best running script in the world". In the history of calligraphy, he and his son Wang Xianzhi are called "two kings". ?
Second, the author's brief introduction
Liu Yiqing (43 ~ 444) was born in Pengcheng (now Xuzhou, Jiangsu) in the Southern Dynasties. He used to be the secretariat of Nan Yanzhou and loved literature. Shi Shuo Xin Yu is an ancient note novel written by a group of people organized by him, which was called "a textbook for celebrities" by Lu Xun. Yu Jiaxi's Notes on Shi Shuo Xin Yu (Zhonghua Book Company, 1983), Xu Zhen's Notes on Shi Shuo Xin Yu, and Yong Yang's Notes on Shi Shuo Xin Yu. Scholars in the Tokugawa era in Japan wrote several notes on Shi Shuo Xin Yu.
The original name of Shi Shuo Xin Yu was Shi Shuo, because Liu Xiang wrote Shi Shuo in the Han Dynasty (the original book was lost), and later generations took it as Shi Shuo Xin Shu, which was renamed after the Song Dynasty. Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi listed it as a note novel. The Biography of Liu Daogui, a Book of Song Dynasty, said that Liu Yiqing was "simple in nature", "fond of literary meaning" and "it is necessary to gather literary scholars from near to far". Although the individual facts recorded in this book are not exact, they reflect the ideological style of the aristocratic families, and preserve social, political, ideological, literary, linguistic and other aspects, and the historical materials are of high value.