1. Original:
At the end of March, the Miao people disobeyed their orders. Yi Zan said to Yu Yu, "Only virtue can move the sky, and there is no future. All bets are off, modest gains, and time is heaven. At the beginning of Lishan, the emperor went to the field and cried all day, sinning his parents. Just look at Gu Sou and Cui Zhaili, and I will allow it.
2. Translation:
Boyi met Yu and said, "Only if you can touch the sky, it is not far away. It is a natural law that surplus leads to loss and modesty leads to profit. Shun Di went to Lishan to plow the fields, crying for days and crying for his parents every day, and he took the blame himself. Going to see you respectfully, fearing and trembling. You also trust and obey him. Really feel the gods, not to mention these Miao people? " Yu thanked Boyi for his kind words and said, "Good!"
From: Da Mo Yu comes from Shangshu, one of the five Confucian classics.
3. Appreciate:
The ancient historical materials of Dayu, Boyi and Shun plotting politics are described. Dayu is a courtier of Shun. He made great contributions to flood control, and later he was called Dayu. Mo, Mou. The first paragraph of this paper describes the political plans of Dayu, Boyi and Shun, so it is called Dayu Mo. This is one of Mei's fake books.