2. Guan Qusong: Guan: a subordinate officer of the military government; Qu Yuan; Song: Song Yu. Qu Yuan and Song Yu should be officials. Originally praised the article as good. Later, it was also used to praise other people's literary talent. From Du Zhuan, a Book of the New Tang Dynasty: "My writing is Qu, Song is an official, and my pen is Wang Xizhi's North." My article should have Qu Yuan and Song Yu as officials, and my calligraphy should have Wang Xizhi as a teacher.
3. Second only to Qu Song: Chu Ci writers Qu Yuan and Song Yu in the Warring States Period. Metaphor is extremely literary. From Tang Du Fu's Drunk Songs, "A gentleman has a way to the Yellow River, and a gentleman has talent to lead the Song Dynasty." Mr. Wang's moral character is superior to that of Mr. Wang's talent is superior to that of Qu.
Extended data:
Dragon Boat Festival nickname:
1. noon: The Dragon Boat Festival is named after the summer solstice, the direct point of the sun is on the tropic of cancer, and the position of the sun in the sky is the most one day in a year.
2. Mid-solar term: the method of the ancient Ganzhi era, with heavenly stems and earthly branches as the carrier and heavenly stems and earthly branches as the general era. At first, the Dragon Boat Festival was the noon day of the calendar, with the first month as the first month, the fifth month as the noon month, and the noon day as the heavy noon.
3. Dragon Boat Festival: Dragon boat race was originally a form of ancestor worship in ancient southern coastal areas. The ancestors in the southern coastal areas widely used boats and boats, and often painted dragons on them as their totems or protectors.
4. The fifth flood season: In some rural areas of Shanghai, areas near the north bank of Hangzhou Bay, such as Fengxian and Nanhui, it is customary to call the Dragon Boat Festival "the fifth flood season".
Baidu Encyclopedia-Dragon Boat Festival