The Book of the New Tang Dynasty II records that Emperor Taizong's civil and military sage Xiaoguang was afraid of the people and was the second son of Gaozu. Mother said that the queen who was too old was Dou. Born without being surprised. When Fang was four years old, a scholar praised Gao Zu and said, "The public is in the law, and the nobles are there, so there must be a noble son." Seeing Emperor Taizong, he said, "The appearance of dragons and phoenixes is the face of heaven and the face of the sun, and the number of its crowns will surely help the people all over the world." The scholar has resigned, and the great-grandfather is afraid of his words, which makes people chase after him. He doesn't know where to go and thinks he is a god. It is based on its language and is called Shimin. "
A complete record of Li Shimin's private life: Li Shimin is a model admired by later emperors and a wise monarch praised by later generations.
After the Tang and Song Dynasties, Zhenguan Wenzhi almost became synonymous with the ideal realm in the practice of governing the country. However, with his great achievements in creating prosperity in the early Tang Dynasty, Emperor Taizong was imitated by later emperors and admired by the people. He embodies the special heroic bearing endowed by the times and has historical wisdom that makes people feel but is difficult to explain.