1. The father is observing his ambitions; the father is not observing his actions; if he has not changed his ways for three years, he can be said to be filial. ——"The Analects of Confucius. The First in Learning"
That is to say, no matter whether your parents are alive or dead, you must stick to your ambitions, keep your words and deeds consistent, and always remember the correct teachings of your parents. This is called filial piety. If parents were honest and obedient when they were alive, but once their parents die, they forget their parents' teachings and start doing whatever they want, that is not called filial piety.
2. In life, things should be done with etiquette; in death, burials should be done with etiquette, and sacrifices should be done with etiquette. ——"The Analects of Confucius. Government is Second"
When your parents are alive, you must serve them with etiquette; after your parents pass away, you must bury and sacrifice them with etiquette. These etiquettes are a reflection of sincerity and respect. Take it seriously and don't neglect it.
3. Uncle Meng Wu asked about filial piety. Confucius said: Parents only worry about their illness. ——"The Analects of Confucius. Politics is the Second"
When Meng Wubo asked what filial piety is, Confucius did not answer directly. He said: The thing that parents worry about most is that their children are sick. This means that we should cherish our bodies so that we can be healthy and safe and not let our parents worry and worry. This is the most basic thing.
Four. Today’s filial piety means being able to provide for others. As for dogs and horses, they can all be kept. It's disrespectful, why bother? ——"The Analects of Confucius. The Second Way of Government"
Filial piety and support for parents should not just stay at the level of material security, but also the heart and ambition of raising parents, being considerate of their feelings and respecting them. Parents' wishes. Otherwise, it would be no different from raising dogs and horses.
5. Zixia asked about filial piety. Confucius said: Color is difficult. When something happens, the disciple does his duty; when there is wine and food, sir, do you ever think you are filial? ——"The Analects of Confucius. The Second Way of Government"
This time it was Zixia who asked about filial piety. Confucius said that the most difficult part of honoring parents is to be able to maintain a pleasant look towards them. Therefore, supporting parents is just a duty. As for filial piety and unfilial piety, it mainly depends on the attitude towards parents. If there is something to do, let the young do it; if there is good food and drink, let the elderly enjoy it, is this considered filial piety?
6. When your parents advise you, if you don’t follow your will, you should respect them without disobeying them, and work hard without complaining. ——"The Analects of Confucius. Liren No. 4"
Parents will also make mistakes. When children see their parents making mistakes, they should tactfully persuade them. Even if our parents do not listen to our opinions, we must remain respectful to them and not feel resentful.
7. When your parents are here, you will not travel far away, but you will travel in a wise way. ——"The Analects of Confucius. Liren No. 4"
When our parents are alive, we should not run around casually. If we have to go out for something, we must tell our parents where we are going, what we are going to do, and when we will be back. These must be explained clearly in advance so that our parents will not worry about us.
8. It is important to know the age of your parents. One is for joy, the other is for fear. ——"The Analects of Confucius. Li Ren No. 4"
Parents are gradually aging and there is not much time to fulfill their filial piety, so we must not know the age of our parents. On the one hand, we will be happy for the longevity of our parents; on the other hand, we will also be worried because our parents' time is getting shorter, reminding us to fulfill our filial piety in time.
9. The father hides for the son, and the son hides for the father. Always in it. ——"The Analects of Confucius. Zilu No. 13"
The son reported his father. On the surface, it was indeed a righteous act to kill the family, but it was not in line with human relations. When something happens, the father conceals it for his son, and the son conceals it for his father. This is human nature and is reasonable. Although it may not be in compliance with the laws and regulations, it also contains an upright side.
10. The Master said: It is unkind to give! A child is born for three years and then escapes the arms of his parents. My husband's three-year mourning has caused widespread mourning in the world. Has Yu also been in love with his parents for three years? ——"The Analects of Confucius. Yang Huo No. 17"
Confucius' student Zaiwo, Mingyu, felt that three years of mourning for his parents was too long, and one year of mourning should be enough. So Confucius said the above sentence:
It is unkind to kill me! For the first three years after a child is born, he is completely dependent on his parents for raising him, and only after three years can he leave the arms of his parents. The three-year mourning period is a common funeral ritual in the world.
Didn’t I receive three years of upbringing from my parents? It means that if you do this to me, you are an ungrateful villain. Your parents have raised you for three years. Isn’t it too long?