Original text:
When Zhang Yong was in Chengdu, he heard about his admission and said that his subordinates said, "Kougong is very talented, but he is not good at learning." And allowed to go out of Shaanxi, to strike from Chengdu forever, and to pay the bill strictly, which is a big wait. Forever, he will be sent to the suburbs. He asked, "How can I teach accurately?" Xu Yong said that Biography of Huo Guang is a must-read. Don't tell him what he wants, go back and study until he is "unlearned" and laughs and says, "This Zhang Gong called me."
When Zhang Yong was in Chengdu (as an official), he heard that Kou Zhun was worshipped as the Prime Minister, and he said to his colleagues, "Kou Zhun is a rare material, but it is (only) a pity that the academic aspects are (some) insufficient." When Kou Zhun became the local official of Shaanxi, Zhang Yong (also) had just returned from Chengdu, and Kou Zhun respectfully presented the curtain and prepared a grand reception ceremony. Zhang was about to leave when Kou Zhun sent him to the suburbs and asked, "Do you have anything to teach Kou Zhun?" Zhang Yong said slowly, "The Biography of Huo Guang, (you) have to read it." Kou Zhun didn't understand his intention. When he came back, he took out Biography of Huo Guang and read it. He smiled and said, "I am ignorant."