The verses of Drunkard Pavilion are as follows:
Long Tu, a bachelor, is guarded by Chu Zhi, and his patriotism and caring for the people are rare in ancient times. In my free time from politics, I indulge in the mountains and rivers, pursuing famous places and drinking wine from far away places. Langya Mountain, a few miles south of the city, is full of scenic spots and dust. The prefect held a banquet and the guests were noisy, part of them were scholars and part of his colleagues. The happiness of the governor is the well-being of the people. Enjoy the happiness of the people and the wisdom of the governor. The prefect's return has been melodious for six or seven miles, which is not the true drunkenness of the prefect.
The summary of the article will shine down for thousands of years, and I will see the prefect wake up. The prefect enjoys the people's happiness, and the people also enjoy their happiness, and the government is successful when the top and bottom are connected. At that time, the birds also enjoyed the music and sang loudly. There is no end to the pleasures and no feelings to express, so I renamed the pavilion after a drunkard. Who does the prefect call him? Heaven supports Ouyang Gong in Luling.
Author introduction:
Wu Lian, also known as Meizhong. South Sea people. In the 20th year of Chenghua reign of Emperor Xianzong of the Ming Dynasty (1484), he became a Jinshi. He was granted the title of magistrate of Hanshan County directly under the direct administration. During the year of famine, various relief efforts were made, and porridge and rice were made to transfer money. In his spare time from politics, he taught his students the Book of Changes. After more than one year, I leave my post with worries. After he got up, he went to Xian County, where he failed to keep upright and returned home due to illness. He died in his eighties. He is the author of "Collection of Bamboo House Poems". There is a biography in Volume 276 of Daoguang's "Guangdong Tongzhi" of the Qing Dynasty. Wu Lian's poems are based on the "Zhulu Poetry Collection" published by the Wu family in Nanhai in the ninth year of Jiajing.
The Drunkard Pavilion:
The Drunkard Pavilion is located at the foothills of Langya Mountain in the southwest of Chuzhou City, Anhui Province. It ranks first among the four famous pavilions (the four famous pavilions are poems written by literati in ancient my country). They are the Huxin Pavilion in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, the Drunkard Pavilion in Chuzhou, the Taoran Pavilion in Beijing, and the Aiwan Pavilion in Changsha). They were built in the seventh year of Qingli in the Northern Song Dynasty (1047) and were built by the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties. Ouyang Xiu, one of the family members, is famous for his name and the essay "The Drunkard Pavilion".