Continue "Grey Sparrow"

Since the boy released the grey finch, he has come to the park to see it every day.

One day, the boy came to the park again and walked under the birch tree. He found that the box turned crimson and the bird was gone again. He searched the whole forest, but he couldn't find it.

At this moment, the boy saw a boy with curly hair and asked. "Friend, have you ever seen a blackbird with a blushing chest?"

The curly-haired boy said, "No … I didn't see it."

The boy said, "It must have flown away or froze to death. It's cold and he's afraid of cold. "

The curly-haired boy wanted to tell the boy that Blackbird was not dead, but he didn't dare.

The boy said to himself, "What a nice bird, but it can't fly back."

The curly-haired boy looked at the boy and said, "It will fly back, and it will definitely fly back." It's alive. "

The boy asked, "Will it fly back?"

"I will definitely fly back!" The curly-haired boy definitely said.

The next day, the boy came under the birch tree. Sure enough, he saw the finches singing happily on the branches. The curly-haired boy stood by the birch tree with his head down.

The boy looked at the curly-haired boy, then at the sparrow, and said with a smile, "Hello! Grey finch, where did you go yesterday? "

Of course, the blackbird didn't tell the boy where he went yesterday. The boy didn't send a questionnaire to the boy again because he already knew that the boy was honest.

Since then, boys and curly-haired boys have come to see blackbirds every day.