The pigeon, in a boat on the river, is a gentle and lovely lady, and a gentleman is eagerly asking. The Book of Songs, National Style, Nan Zhou and Guan Ju
Waterbirds should sing harmoniously and form a beach in pairs. Beautiful and virtuous is my good companion.
The Millennium is frost. The so-called Iraqis are on the water side. Book of Songs, National Style, Qin Feng, Jia Jian.
The newborn reeds are green, and the white dew condenses into frost. My beloved is on the other side of the water.
Taofei, burn its glory. The Book of Songs, national style, Nan Zhou, Yao Tao.
Peach trees are lush and peach blossoms are brilliant.
Smart smile and beautiful eyes. The Book of Songs, national style, Feng Wei said people.
Smile, dimples, black and white, eye-catching.
People who know me worry me; If you don't know me, what do you want? Who is this? The Book of Songs, National Style, Feng Wang and Li Shu
People who know me say that I am very troubled inside; If you don't know, ask me what I want for God's sake. Who did this to me?