Introduction of paramecium

Peir-Ramses (also known as Mer Ramses, Piramese, Pr Ramses, PIR-Ramaseu) is the new capital of Egypt (known as the Great, from 1279 BC to 12 13 BC), a modern town in the eastern delta. This name means "the house of Ramses" (also called "the city of Ramses"), which was built near the old city of Wallis.

The connection between the new town and Varis made it immediately famous in the world, because in the era of Ramses II, Varis had become a legend. It was defeated by Ahmed I (BC 1570- 1544) and expelled from the capital of Hyksos in Egypt, which opened the period of the Egyptian empire and is now called the new kingdom (BC1570).

Therefore, it is a wise choice for Ramses II to associate his city with Varis, but this is not surprising, because he is famous for his skills in publicizing himself and his grand project. The scale and grandeur of Piraeus, the Egyptian capital, will make it more famous than Varis. Its connection with Ramses II's long and brilliant rule ensured that the city would survive after being abandoned. The new kingdom of Egypt is coming to an end.

Pyramids in the Bible

This city is the most famous book of Rameses in Exodus 1: 1 1: "So they forced slave owners to work in [Israel], and they established two cities, Pitong and Lansai," but there is no evidence that this city was built by any form of slave labor and was not stored by Pharaoh. In fact, at any time in Egypt's history, there is no evidence that there is a huge group of Israeli slaves in Egypt, and great cities and monuments were built by Egyptian laborers.

The connection between Pi-Ramses and the Pharaoh in Exodus naturally implies that Ramses II is the king. However, Ramses II left the most extensive and strict record of all Egyptian monarchs-in fact, there is no ancient site in Egypt without mentioning his name-and he did not mention Israeli slaves anywhere, nor did he mention any events given in the Book of Egypt.

Exodus 12:37 claims that the Israelites left Egypt from Ramsey, and their number was "about 600,000 men on foot except children". Numbers 33:3-5 also mentioned that Babylon was the city where the Israelites left Egypt, and the Egyptians were busy burying the dead of God's eldest son in order to release his voters. People.

Although some scholars claim that Ramses II will omit the story of Exodus because Exodus eclipses Egypt, the story of Exodus is more likely to be a cultural myth, which has nothing to do with the actual situation in Egypt. History and Pi-Rameses were chosen to be mentioned by the Hebrew scribe, who wrote Egypt because its name would be recognized immediately. It is unfortunate to associate Ramses II and the ruthless Pharaoh described in the Bible with his city, because it hides the great achievements of the kings in history and the Egyptian citizens who worked hard for his monuments and temples.

Pell-Ramses and the Battle of Kadish

The area near Varis was Ramses II's childhood home. His father seti i (BC 1290-BC 1279) built a Summer Palace, where Ramses II grew up and explored the area when he didn't go to school or participated in military operations with his father. Ramses II was appointed as the ruler of his father at the age of 22, and led his own successful Nubian campaign before he ascended the throne in 1279 BC. He built his own new town sometime before 1275 BC. Although some scholars believe that it was actually built during seti i's time, he expanded his palace. Whenever it was established, it served as the starting point of military expedition, and Ramses II himself always thought it was his greatest victory: the Battle of Cades.

Kadesh in Syria is an important trade center, which changed hands between Hittites and Egyptians many times. Seti i seized it from the Hittites, but under the rule of their king Muwatali II (BC 1295- 1272), they seized it again. Ramses II occupied Hittite territory and scattered their fortifications in Canaan, so now he turned his attention to Kadesh.

At least at the beginning of BC 1275, the preparations for this battle began in Piraeus. When Ramses II prayed for good omen to his Oracle and advisers, he asked the whole industrial and military complex in his city to make weapons, train horses, equip soldiers and build chariots. Toby Wilkinson, an Egyptian archaeologist, described that although the ancient description of Pi-Ramses emphasized the beauty of its palaces and parks, the city also participated in the war:

One of the biggest buildings is a huge bronze smelter, and hundreds of workers make armaments every day. The most advanced high-temperature furnace is heated by a blast tube made of corrugated pipe. When molten metal flows out, sweaty workers pour it into molds for making shields and swords. In a dirty, hot and dangerous environment, Pharaoh's people made weapons for Pharaoh's army. Another large area of the city was handed over to stables, sports fields and the king's war team for maintenance ... In short, Ramses Pier is not an entertainment place, but a military industrial complex. (3 14)

Ramses II's battle with Muwatali II in Cadiz was his most famous victory. He celebrated the festival through a poem called Pentaur and another account called Bulletin. In these versions of events, Ramses II was a warrior king who led his army to an overwhelming victory. However, the record of Muwatali II is also true for the Hittite army.

Hittite records were not known until the middle of19th century, when European archaeologists excavated the ruins of Mesopotamia and Anatolia on an unprecedented scale. Cuneiform tablets began to appear in these excavations, which contradicted the version history at that time (in many fields). Before these excavations, the story of the great flood, Noah's Ark and many other biblical narratives were considered as original works, and the Bible itself was also considered as the oldest book in the world. After the discovery of Mesopotamia, scholars realized that they had missed some extremely important information in the construction of world history, and the record of Muwatali II was one of them.

Recently, the academic community agreed that the Battle of Kadesh was not so much a victory as a draw. Muwatali II still controlled the city, but failed to defeat Ramses II's army as he hoped. Ramses II drove Muwatali II's army out of the battlefield, causing heavy casualties, but did not occupy the city. But in Ramses II's narrative, the victory of the Egyptians has been completed, and he is the king who contributed to the victory.

Grand Canal and Temple City

After Kadish, Ramses II will never lead another great military operation. But that doesn't mean he didn't entrust them. His rule marked decades of successful diplomatic and military victories, economic prosperity and social stability. In fact, Ramses II's rule was so prosperous and long that when he died, his people felt that the world was coming to an end. They never knew Egypt without Ramses II as Pharaoh.

Ramses II made the pyramids the most beautiful and magnificent city in Egypt, comparable to the grandeur of Thebes. The inscription above is as follows:

Your Majesty built himself a house called "Great Victory".

Located between Syria and Egypt, it is rich in grain and cereals.

It follows the pattern of Thebes in Upper Egypt, and its duration is similar to Memphis. Snape, 203

The city was built on a series of mounds called geziras near the Nile. During the flood season, the Nile will overflow the banks and flood the area, and Pi-Ramses will become an island city in the whirlpool lake. During these periods, different geziras can only be reached by boat, and ancient inscriptions (and archaeological evidence) show that people can easily move around the city through a well-designed canal system.

Pi-Ramses covers an area of 6 square miles (15 square kilometers) and is home to more than 300,000 people. It was the most prosperous city at that time. It was originally the first city. Except Pelusium, any visitor from the East who enters Egypt will see and intend to leave a deep impression. Every project entrusted by Ramses II is bigger than life and was created to commemorate his name, but his city seems to be his highest achievement.

Pyramids will be the first city that any tourists from the East will see when they enter Egypt, aiming to impress people.

Four big temples in each major direction define the city. There are Vagit Temple in the north, Saite Temple in the south, Ashtat Temple in the east and Amon Temple in the west. It's interesting to choose two of these special gods, because both Seth and Ashtar are worshipped by Hickos of Varis. At first, Ramses II would continue any tradition related to Hyksos, which seems strange, because they were portrayed by the scribes of the New Kingdom as the supreme villains in Egyptian history. However, the Phoenician goddess Ashtar has long been associated with Seth as one of his spouses, and Seth himself-although recognized as the god of chaos and darkness-was very popular as a military champion during the New Kingdom. Seti i, the father of Ramses II, used his throne to honor this god.

Wadjat and Amon are logical choices, because Wadjat is one of the oldest goddesses in Egypt and an outstanding god in Lower Egypt from the early dynasty (3 150 BC-26 13 BC), and is considered as the most powerful god in the new kingdom. These four temples are the "anchor points" of the city, and they are cited in the construction of roads, canals and other buildings.

The west of the city, near the temple of Amon, is the royal area. This temple is actually dedicated to a compound god, Amon-La-harrati -ATEM, which contains the strength and characteristics of the creator God ATEM, the sun god La (also the creator god) and Lahlati (a mixture of La and harrati). Horus, representing the sun on the two horizons of sunrise and sunset) and Amon (the king of the gods at that time). The king's grand palace and administrative office are also located near the temple. It is said that Ramses II Memorial Hall commemorates his Hebrew Festival (he celebrated it twice; Once every 30 years), it is said that it is decorated with statues, pillars and immortal statues of kings, which is impressive.

In the south, near Saite Temple are barracks, factories, training grounds, stables, business districts and two ports serving the city. The stable is huge, can accommodate more than 450 horses, and the floor is slightly inclined, which can let the waste fall into the trough. The training ground is a huge yard near the temple, where soldiers and horses pulling carts are doing exercises. In line with the grandeur and scale of the city, this bronze smelter is also the largest of its kind.

The eastern region, around the temples in Ashtat, is a residential area, and the northern region is also a residential area, close to the temples in Wadjet. The house was crowded with people. According to the traditional custom in Egypt, the kitchen is backward-facing and protected by a thatched roof. Each house may also follow the traditional lobby plan for receiving guests, and other rooms extend backward into a rectangle. Wealthier families have walled gardens, colorful walls and a reflection pool behind their houses.

The main temple in this city is the temple of Amon, the patron saint of Ramses II. It is said that this temple is very huge, including the huge statue of Ramses II. Throughout the ages, writers have commented on the grandeur and towering scope of the city, as well as the beauty of canals and historical sites. Under the rule of Ramses II's successor, it will continue to be the capital of Egypt, but with the accession of each new king, it seems to have lost its luster.

Decline and depravity

Although the inscription claims that Pi-Ramesses is as old as Memphis, this is not the case. As mentioned above, in its time, it was as magnificent and powerful as Thebes, but after Pi-Rameses became a memory, Thebes will continue to exist for a long time. The movement of the Nile marked the end of the city. The movement of the Nile completely silted up the port and made it unusable. As in the past, the eastern tributary of the Nile has changed its direction, and the city can't adapt to this. As Steven Snape pointed out, this situation is very common. Memphis used to this situation a long time ago, and allowed it to exist, but Pi-Ramses was just abandoned, most of it was demolished, and moved to tanis, a new city in the south, where some historical sites were taken to Bubastis.

By about 1069 BC, the central government had failed, and the high priest of the Ammonites in Thebes was stronger than the king. Ramses II has passed away, and his successor lacks his leadership and management skills. The last good Pharaoh in the New Kingdom was Ramses III (1186-155 BC), but even he was not as impressive as Ramses II, and Egypt's so-called Latin American frontier period was also one of the declining periods. Kings after Ramses III seem to get weaker every time they succeed to the throne, until BC 1000. BC 1060, the country was ruled by Thebes in the south and tanis in the north for about ten years, which was called the third intermediate period of Egypt (BC 1069-525).

When Pi-Ramses was abandoned, huge statues, some temples and other buildings moved downstream in large numbers, so that centuries later, archaeologists were convinced that tanis was a city ruled by Pi-Ramses, or at least by Ramses II. Things left on abandoned city sites are allowed to rot and eventually recycled by the earth; Today's downtown is located below the village of Qantir. Only the meager ruins of the Temple of Seth, some foundations and two stone feet of the statue of Ramses II are left on the ground.