Our mind is the spiritual battlefield of our life, and the nature of the body stirs in our body from time to time, turning our mind into a battlefield. When Jesus came to the border of Caesarea Philippi, he said to his disciples, I will take up my cross and go to Golgotha. Peter replied, Lord, please don't do this! But Jesus answered him, "You don't care about the will of God, only the will of man."
"If we are not careful and distracted, we will not consider the meaning of God, but only the meaning of people." Pastor Wu explained: "My heart will be tempted to become a fierce battlefield. Satan keeps building his own position in our hearts, which makes us unable to think about the pursuit of integrity. Because unbelievers don't grasp the absolute truth and can't distinguish each other, unlike us, there will be fierce wars inside. Because of this battle between mind and mind, we will sit on the throne of our own mind in excessive introspection, and there is no place for Jesus in us. Strictly speaking, Christians do not rely on introspection, but on self-denial to win the battle of ideas. Know what a solid camp is. The weapon of our war is not flesh and blood, but the ability to fight against powerful camps.