Some people say that husband and wife are in the same boat, some people say that husband and wife are sleeping together, some people say that husband and wife are old wine, and the longer they get, the more mellow they become. I said that husband and wife are like a pair of chopsticks, men are chopsticks and women are chopsticks. Two chopsticks are destined to be a pair of chopsticks, that is, husband and wife. Only by working hard in one place can a pair of chopsticks pinch up a beautiful day and send delicious food into our mouths. Without them, neither man nor woman can be called husband and wife. A chopstick can only be dipped in a little bittern, and it will never capture the true taste of life.
A pair of chopsticks must have a fulcrum. Some people can't use chopsticks. Why? Because I don't know how to use chopsticks, I can't find the balance point between the two chopsticks. Want two chopsticks to hold food firmly, one of them should keep a low profile and give the other chopsticks a strong fulcrum. Finger strength is only a small skill, and couples must also have a small skill in their daily life. Just like two chopsticks, the size, thickness, length, material and so on are the same.
However, the mission of chopsticks always needs both sides to complete. Why not design a conjoined chopstick? That's not chopsticks! But shovels, shovels and spoons can also take things, but they are not so perfect. They are all separate and not so convenient to use, but chopsticks are different. They are not only convenient to use, but also very sensitive in freedom, which can be large or small. A pair of chopsticks can put all the beautiful things into your mouth, so that you can slowly savor the ups and downs of life. Therefore, I would like to remind those who can't use chopsticks, and don't forget that a pair of chopsticks should be parallel, equal and of the same size and thickness. One chopstick must give another chopstick enough free space. The bigger the space, the greater the gain. As long as one chopstick is a pair of chopsticks composed of another chopstick, as long as it is inseparable and United, it is a pair of good chopsticks and a good couple.
Husband and wife are like chopsticks, not scissors. Scissors that are too sharp are always destructive tools, without warmth. Husband and wife need cooperation, construction, care, consideration and care, just like chopsticks.
Husband and wife are like a pair of chopsticks, not tiger pliers. The power of vice is infinite, but the desire is too strong and ruthless.
There are many kinds of chopsticks, such as bamboo, plastic, wood, ivory and gold and silver. People are the same. Although there is no distinction between nobility and inferiority, there are cultural differences, habits differences, family education differences and social factors, so everyone's hobbies, temper, quality and personality are different. Two people can come together and have children together. !
A chopstick is too long, a chopstick is too short, a chopstick is too thick, a chopstick is too thin, and two chopsticks are made of different materials. There is a kind of chopsticks called "convenient chopsticks". This kind of chopsticks is simple and rough, which wastes resources. Prohibited for public morality. Even if used, it will only be discarded once. It's disposable. Disposable chopsticks have nothing to do with love, just like a one-night stand.
The most fundamental reason why lovers are like a pair of chopsticks is that no one can live without anyone. In order to live forever and cooperate closely, * * * will taste the ups and downs of the world, and * * * will live together on the bumpy road of life, showing mutual respect and love. This is a special proof that Eun Eun loves the beauty of his husband and wife.