Listen to the angels singing sheet music

Simple musical notation:

335435.223213 1155654453432

Listen to the angels singing and we will all be happy. I have received the love from your palms

335435 223213 5123432 1171

Listen to the angels singing, the world changes to new colors and you will be moved and radiate warm heat

6633 663323 6633331322 323

Look up at the sky and feel the wind you I said that I wish the stars could understand

6633 54321 154431232 232

Whenever I feel at the bottom, I think of you and make me believe

11221122155 1544321165

Open the window, the air will connect with courage and smile, you can see the angels flying by

335435 223213 1155654453432

Listen to the angels singing and we will all be happy. The love from your palms has made me happy Received

335435 223213 5123432 1171

Listening to the angels singing and the world changing colors will radiate warm heat if you are moved