Mulin (believer in Islam)

As a Muslim, faith is the most important part of my life. The teachings of Islam teach us to be pious and humble, to respect others and to love peace. In daily life, we need to follow certain rules and rituals to express our reverence and belief in God.


Muslims attend prayers five times a week, which is how we express our piety and reverence for God. Worship times are fixed, namely early morning, noon, afternoon, evening and night. Before praying, we need to perform ablution, a ritual of physical and spiritual purification in order to better connect with God. When praying, we need to face Mecca, which symbolizes that we and other Muslims are facing the same goal, which is God.


Ramadan is one of the most important festivals in Islam and the holiest month of the year. During Ramadan, Muslims need to have breakfast before sunrise and then have dinner at sunset. We need to fast during the day so that we can better feel the pain of poor people, and it is also an expression of piety to God. During Ramadan, we also need to do more good deeds, such as donating to charities, helping people in need, etc.

Halal Food

Muslims need to follow certain dietary rules, which are called halal food. Halal food must not only comply with Islamic teachings, but also ensure food hygiene and health. Muslims cannot eat pork and blood, nor can they eat any food containing alcohol. When buying and eating food, we need to pay attention to whether it meets the standards of halal food.