If all the small rivers dry up, there will be no water in the big rivers; There is no water in rivers, and there will be no water in the sea one day; There is no water in the sea, so there is no water in the world. If there is no water, animals can't drink sweet water, and we can't hear the beautiful songs of birds and the cheerful calls of lions ... Without animals on earth, we can't see the thriving scene of nature.
If all the rivers dry up, the life of plants will be threatened, or even never survive. Without water, there would be no flowers, no grass, no trees ... without color, there would be no vitality naturally.
If all the rivers dry up, there will be no water. Without water, not only the lives of animals and plants are threatened, but also the lives of people. Without water, people can't eat fish, shrimp and other animals living in water, plants growing on the ground, livestock raised by people and so on. , so people can't get enough nutrition; Without adequate nutrition, people will get sick and even die. Water is really important to us human beings. Water accounts for four fifths of our body. Without water, the circulation of many physiological functions such as transportation, regulation and digestion in the human body cannot be carried out normally.
If all the rivers dry up, there will be no water. Without water, all living things on the earth will be threatened. I hope this will never happen. Let's protect water resources and live in a world with water forever. Let's cherish a beautiful and peaceful "green home", and don't let our "green home" have only the last drop of bitter water-our tears!
Our world is beautiful and full of vitality because of water. The grass moistened with water is so lovely green; Flowers, under the care of water, compete to open; Trees thrive under the water. Look, red, yellow and blue ... those beautiful flowers are all over the park. Wherever you go, you will find it. Because there is water, the flowers are beautiful and charming; Because there is water, trees can flourish; Because of the water, the grass can grow tall again in the spring breeze; Because there is water, people smile brightly; Because of water, the world is wonderful. What would the world be like if all the rivers dried up?
If there were no rivers, there would be no flowers, trees and fruits in the world, and people would die for lack of food. Animals living underwater will die, animals on land will die, and people will die naturally. The sun will make the earth barren, the mountains full of trees will become barren hills and the fields will become wasteland.
Without rivers, people's lives would be extremely difficult. There is no water to drink, no water to cook and no water to bathe. ...
Water is the source and foundation of life, and human health comes from water first. People can go without food for several days, but they can't go without water for several days. Now, there are 2 billion people in the world who are seriously short of water! In other words, water is the only life of 2 billion people. Water is not infinite. Although the ocean accounts for two-thirds of the earth's surface, it contains salt, which is not conducive to human drinking. Therefore, if human beings want to survive, they must cherish water. If everyone pollutes water, there will be 6 billion more people in the world. How long can water survive in this world? When there is only the last drop of water left in the world, the consequences are unimaginable.
If there were no rivers. There are only deep ravines left on the earth. People have to wait for the little Mao Mao rain that God dedicated to the earth. Even, only that cup of turbid water can maintain human survival.
If there were no rivers. No matter how much money you have and how powerful you are, you can't buy pure and clear water. What you see is a global auction, no one asks about any rare jewels, and the last cup of sweet, clear and pure water makes people leave money, power and even lives for it one by one. Seeing this scene, people left bitter tears.
At this time, people began to regret wasting water resources; Regret not to despise that drop of pure water; Regret not cherishing water. ......
People! Wake up! Stop polluting water sources. Let's save every drop of water, keep the grass green, keep the fragrance of flowers, keep the children's laughter like a bell, and keep everything that nature has given us!