Who wrote Candle?

by simonov. The former Soviet Union

simonov (1915 ~ 1979) Simonov, Konstantin Mikhailovich

Soviet novelist, poet and playwright. Born on November 28th, 1915, Die

on August 28th, 1979. After graduating from Gorky College of Literature in 1938, he devoted himself to the creation of literature

. He was the secretary of the Secretariat of Soviet Writers Association, the editor-in-chief of New World Monthly and the editor-in-chief of Literature Newspaper. simonov's famous work was the first play "A Boy in My City". Then he wrote The Russian, which showed the essence of Russian heroism in the Great Patriotic War. In 1943 and 1944, simonov completed the novella Day and Night, which described the defense of Starr Ringler. In addition, he also wrote a lot of poems during the Great Patriotic War. After the 195s, simonov devoted himself to the novel creation of the theme of war. It was a representative trilogy novel.