in the sixth year of Tianbao, Ding Hai (AD 747) was 36 years old. In Chang 'an.
in the seventh year of Tianbao, Wuzi (AD 748) was 37 years old. In Chang 'an. Repeatedly on the poem Wei Ji, asking for quotations. It is about this time to make an engagement with the calligrapher Gu Jie.
in the eighth year of Tianbao, I was ugly (AD 749) and was thirty-eight. In Chang 'an. In winter, I returned to the East Capital to visit the Emperor Temple in Xuanyuan and see the wall painted by Wu Daozi.
in the ninth year of Tianbao, Geng Yin (AD 75) was thirty-nine. Come to Changan. I first met Zheng Qian.
in the tenth year of Tianbao, Xin Mao (AD 751) was forty years old. In Chang 'an. Into the three gifts. Xuanzong was strange, and he was ordered to make a collection of sages. Autumn, malaria. Wei Jun, a friend, visited in the rain, which was delayed by his autumn narration. After the illness, the king leaned on him, and the king was rewarded with wine, so he was grateful to give it as a song. In that year, I stayed in Duwei House.
in the 11th year of Tianbao, Renchen (AD 752) was 41 years old. In Chang 'an. Call for a test article, and send it to a company to participate in the selection sequence. In late spring, I temporarily returned to Dongdu. In winter, Gao Shi entered the DPRK with the song Shu Han, and temporarily gathered with the public. If I don't go back, I will send it to the public.
in the 12th year of Tianbao, Guisi (AD 753) was 42 years old. In Chang 'an. In the first summer, I traveled with Zheng Qian to the mountains of General He. The second son Zong Wuyue was born in this autumn.
Tianbao XIII, Jiawu (AD 754), was 43 years old. In Chang 'an. Seal the west yue fu. Moved from Dongdu to Chang 'an, and lived in Ducheng, which is under Nancheng. Because of Tian Liang Qiu's poems, Song Shuhan, our envoy in Hexi. In the middle of the year, Zhang? Since Lu Xi called him back, he moved to Taichangqing again, and he wrote a poem for help. Also into the carving fu, the words in the table are beneficial and sorrowful. After the autumn, the rain was harmful to crops, the price was expensive, and the public livelihood was difficult, so I took my family to Fengxian and stayed in the school.
in the 14th year of Tianbao, B Wei (AD 755) was 44 years old. An Lushan is against. Du Fu is in Chang 'an. In the middle of the year, I went to Baishui County, where my uncle Cui was nineteen Weng. In September, with Cui to serve first. In October, he returned to Chang 'an, awarded Hexi Wei (the old city of Hexi County is in Hexi County, Yunnan Province), did not worship, and changed to the right-back to lead Cao to join the army. In November, I went to visit my wife in Fengxian, and I went to Fengxian from Beijing to recite 5 words. At the end of the year, I lost my young son.