Gao Yu of Han Han Ying's Biography of Han Poems said: "I lost three things: I learned little and traveled to princes. Later, I kissed and dropped one; Noble aspirations, I am a gentleman, I lost two; If you play favorites with your friends, you will lose three. The tree wants to remain quiet, but the wind won't stop; the son wants to serve his parents in their old age, but they are no more. Those who go and don't chase, the year is also, those who go and don't see, are also close. Please resign from now on. 」』
Sighing is how gaoyu felt after his parents died. Gaoyu travels around the world to visit teachers and friends, so he seldom stays at home to serve his parents. Unexpectedly, his parents died one after another, and Gao Yu was shocked that he could no longer be filial. He deeply regrets that his parents failed to take care of the bed when they were alive, and now he regrets it!
Gao Yu described her helplessness in losing her parents with "the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop". Big trees don't like to swing too much in the wind, or their branches will fall off; But the wind never stopped, and the trees were constantly being blown. The wind is endless, which is the helplessness of the tree; The absence of relatives is the helplessness of the dutiful son!