David, pursued by Saul, fled to a hut in the Woods in the wilderness of siphon, thinking that he could be protected by siphon. How did he know that siphon ventilation was to please Saul? As a result, David's refuge became a trap. In this isolated situation, David can only look up to God with a firm heart and pray to him.
When David was in danger, he did not avenge himself, but entrusted everything to God, waiting for God to show his righteousness.
David grasped God from the beginning, reminding himself that God is true and reliable. "? "This name represents the character of God; "? "Represents the power of all the truth shown by God. When we encounter difficulties, we should think of God's promises first, and then deal with our difficulties, instead of panicking when we encounter difficulties and running around asking for help from others. When others refuse, we are forced to come to the Lord for help.
The Psalm is a book in the Old Testament.
This volume *** 150 is a collection of inspirational poems and songs recorded by David, the true admirer of Jehovah, including 150 sacred poems that can be sung with music, which is 19 in the whole Bible.
Poetry, and translated "Yong Ji". A roll of Hebrew Bible. The largest collection of poems in the Bible. It contains 150 poems, all written in Hebrew. Or divide it into five volumes (from 1 to 4 1, from 42 to 72, from 73 to 89, from 90 to 106, from 107 to 150) to take care of the Five Classics of Moses. According to the inscriptions of some articles, about 100 articles are from famous figures such as David and Solomon.
Psalm, a volume of the Old Testament. The Catholic Bible was translated into a collection of hymns. Its Hebrew title means "Song of Praise". "Seventy Versions" was changed to "Poetry and Songs". The Latin and English versions of the book are named after the Greek word "Psalm".